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Mark K Stanton

New Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Hi, Mark Stanton here. I just upgraded from a Blackberry Storm to the Droid 2. I'm a real estate lawyer and use my phone primarily for work. So far, I'm having a lot of trouble with syncing email with aol and verizon accounts. It works intermittently and now not at all. Certainly not as good as the Blackberry. In addition, I haven't found a good way to move all my contacts from the Blackberry to the Droid, other than through the gmail account, which I am not happy about, as I would prefer the syncing to be done by usb from the phone to the computer to protect the privacy of my clients' contact information. I hope to find some adequate resolutions to these problems on this forum.
The droid 2 should come pre-loaded with Backup Assistant which can move your contacts for you without the use of gmail. As far as email not working right, go into your setting and see what your data manager is set to regaurding emails. Hope this helps.
Hi, Mark Stanton here. I just upgraded from a Blackberry Storm to the Droid 2. I'm a real estate lawyer and use my phone primarily for work. So far, I'm having a lot of trouble with syncing email with aol and verizon accounts. It works intermittently and now not at all. Certainly not as good as the Blackberry. In addition, I haven't found a good way to move all my contacts from the Blackberry to the Droid, other than through the gmail account, which I am not happy about, as I would prefer the syncing to be done by usb from the phone to the computer to protect the privacy of my clients' contact information. I hope to find some adequate resolutions to these problems on this forum.

:welcome: to DroidForums!! Have fun, play nice (respect is #1 here), and enjoy your stay! :)
As far as your email issue, someone should be along shortly with a resolution. Have you thought of getting Verizon to transfer your contacts at a store? Its safe for their privacy as well as yours.
The droid 2 should come pre-loaded with Backup Assistant which can move your contacts for you without the use of gmail. As far as email not working right, go into your setting and see what your data manager is set to regaurding emails. Hope this helps.

Backup Assistant will only work if it was on his BB first though.
Too late

The droid 2 should come pre-loaded with Backup Assistant which can move your contacts for you without the use of gmail. As far as email not working right, go into your setting and see what your data manager is set to regaurding emails. Hope this helps.

thank you for the quick response! Unfortunately, I should have thought about backup assistant before I activated the droid. I thought since I had the contacts already backed up on my computer, which syncs with Outlook, that there would be a simple way to transfer them to the Droid from my computer back up. What Droid lacks is a Desktop application similar to Blackberry. I did try android-sync.com, pre-alpha, and it almost worked. Not ready for prime-time yet, but they're on the right track. I just can't believe that the developers, or carriers wouldn't think about a desktop application for droid similar to blackberry; it seems like a fundamental application which would compete with blackberry users.
that's right; I didn't think to use it before activating droid; thought the back up on my computer would be able to sync by usb, like blackberry.

with regard to email settings, I did go into data manager to make sure I checked off "background data" and "data enabled" and then went to email and corporate sync and went into email delivery and checked "data push" and fetch schedule is 15 minutes. There was no issue when I first set it up; it's only been the past few days that it started to work sporadically, and then not at all for aol email. I understand that there may be a bug causing this problem. Still investigating.
that's right; I didn't think to use it before activating droid; thought the back up on my computer would be able to sync by usb, like blackberry.

with regard to email settings, I did go into data manager to make sure I checked off "background data" and "data enabled" and then went to email and corporate sync and went into email delivery and checked "data push" and fetch schedule is 15 minutes. There was no issue when I first set it up; it's only been the past few days that it started to work sporadically, and then not at all for aol email. I understand that there may be a bug causing this problem. Still investigating.

Go to an empty spot on your homescreen and hold down until the widget picker pops up. Go to Android Widgets and pick power control widget. Check off the second from the right icon that looks like a sync symbol. See if that fixes your problem.
welcome to the DF. yes backup ass't should help however if u have things on ur BB sd card, it shouldn't allow u to chg it out right. meaning take taking the sd card and automatically slip it in the Droid....I had a vzw rep do it and bam, wiped my entire info off. hope all goes well. good luck

Aloha from Hawaii ... Droid 2 Global
Transferring Blackberry Contacts to Droid

welcome to the DF. yes backup ass't should help however if u have things on ur BB sd card, it shouldn't allow u to chg it out right. meaning take taking the sd card and automatically slip it in the Droid....I had a vzw rep do it and bam, wiped my entire info off. hope all goes well. good luck

Aloha from Hawaii ... Droid 2 Global

I figured out how to transfer my contacts from my Blackberry to the Droid without using gmail. Since I sync BB with Outlook, I exported my Outlook contacts to a CSV file on my office desktop which runs XP. I transferred the file to my laptop which is running Windows 7. I imported the file to the built- in "Contacts" folder which you can find under your personal folder. windows 7 has the ability to convert the csv contacts to a .vcf file when you export the contacts. I exported the contacts to a file I named "VCF Contacts". It asks what format to use, and I choose ".VCF". I then connected my Droid2 to the laptop via usb, used "PC Mode" and then transferred the file to the SD card. You can then go to contacts on the droid and press the menu key, then "more" and then pick "import/export". It gives you the option to import from the sd card and it worked. I also had trouble getting the drivers to load onto the computer when the droid was connected. I found out that you have to "uncheck" the USB debugging under settings/applications/development, then connect the droid via usb to the computer which will then download the drivers. After that, I went back and checked USB debugging to allow file transfers between the computer and the droid.

I hope this helps others who may be having the same issues.
I downloaded K9 which seems to be the best application for email. It's been working well. I've been reading that the native email app in droid is buggy, and many people have the same complaint. For now, K9 works for me.