Hey guys. Thanks for all the help I've gotten so far as I'm nearly two months into having my first Droid.
Trillian is just murdering my battery, so I am using Juice Defender Ultimate and having it shut off 3G when idle. Are there any messaging apps that do not need the 3G to push through a message when I'm idle (since phone calls and texts can push through w/o 3G). I was just curious if there was anything I could do, or if I just have to have 3G shut off to save battery and get my messages whenever I turn my screen back on.
Trillian is just murdering my battery, so I am using Juice Defender Ultimate and having it shut off 3G when idle. Are there any messaging apps that do not need the 3G to push through a message when I'm idle (since phone calls and texts can push through w/o 3G). I was just curious if there was anything I could do, or if I just have to have 3G shut off to save battery and get my messages whenever I turn my screen back on.