I'am with you ,Even with a the new kernal jb still is non functional
Does anyone know where there is a non kexec non CyanogenMod jelly bean rom that works? I'd really appreciate it
Ok so every one ,well AOKP and CM10.1 have the actual ics / jb kernel and still can NOT get it to be any better than chevy did in june of 2012 ,its pathetic!
Chevycam94 made an ics 5600OC and it has a working camera and audio the only flaw is no Bluetooth !!!!
So now the aokp and cm 10 groups cant even get the camera to work or even get the phone line to work on the milestone /aokp {milestone is there so called best release of aokp opposed to the nightlys}
nightlys have more updates but are all unstable
chevycam94 made an aosp easy flashable rom that includes the gapps you don't have to download them separate !!!
and it outperforms all the other roms to date ,you would think on a year and the release of the new kernel from texas instruments that they would have finished a stable release by now instead OF 20 NIGHTLYS BETWEEN THE 2 /CM10 AND AOKP ,PATHETIC IF YOU ASK ME , what happened to team work ?
well hope that helps look for steel droid rom 5.6oc /for over clocked and you can flash it with safestrap or bootstrap , I used bootstrap its much more stable and simple you can run as many roms as you want just back each 1 up , if you want to try many different roms though I do recommend safestrap because you can just stay in safe mode and do a factory wipe an load the next rom and give it a try ..
well good luck and happy romming !!!