It could be argued that Motorola should have included Jelly Bean at release on their latest series of Razr devices, however Motorola has committed to bring the latest and greatest versions of Android to their newer devices. Proof is here! A version of Jelly Bean for the Razr M has been leaked via @P3droid. The leaked Blur Version is 98.11.35. Before you read any further you should know that this leaked build is more than likely not the official OTA version. That being said you could very well be stuck on this build FOREVER, although that is not likely. There is no way back to stock as there have been no fastboot files released yet so you really should be careful in flashing this if you decide to do so.
To Install you will need to drop the above file onto your external SDcard, boot into stock recovery (both Volume keys + power), highlight Recovery, press volume up to select, when android comes up press both volume buttons, choose apply update from ext sdcard, choose the file you downloaded, then reboot!
Via @P3Droid