Is Turbo really TURBO ?

I'd love to backpack out west.
Up north is pretty damn amazing, too, brother. :D
We're going on a pretty easy trip this year. Busy the last weekend in Sept???
Yes. I'll be in the upper peninsula.
We could bring the thread back on topic discussing how quickly you can charge the Turbo through a solar panel when camping :D:D:D:D:D
Can you get one of those hand crank chargers? I have one on a flashlight.
Camped in the UP, camped in TN, KY, NY but you can't beat he west. And yes, I have more years on you. Been retired from the Federal government now for about 10 years due to requirement to retire or at least leave my job at that time.
As for canoeing, two hour drive to Jackson Lk WY, jump on the Snake river and go 1078 mile to WA. Might be fun.

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