i'm thinking about getting an htc incredible. anyway, i was wondering how the rooting/flashing/unbricking/etc. experience on the incredible is compared to the droid.
on the droid easy root will root it for you, rom manager will flash roms for you and do other stuff, and rsdlite will fix your phone no matter how badly you mess it up (that is an important part!) i love knowing i cant really do anything that rsdlite cant fix.
but is it easier to mess up an incredible? and is there an rsdlite equivalent to save me if i mess something up? and are there apps to make the unrooting process easy and safe?
please just give thoughts on hacking the incredible in general
i'm thinking about getting an htc incredible. anyway, i was wondering how the rooting/flashing/unbricking/etc. experience on the incredible is compared to the droid.
on the droid easy root will root it for you, rom manager will flash roms for you and do other stuff, and rsdlite will fix your phone no matter how badly you mess it up (that is an important part!) i love knowing i cant really do anything that rsdlite cant fix.
but is it easier to mess up an incredible? and is there an rsdlite equivalent to save me if i mess something up? and are there apps to make the unrooting process easy and safe?
please just give thoughts on hacking the incredible in general