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Is anyone else dropping Verizon when they're contract runs out?

So, with Verizon dropping they're unlimited data, is anyone dropping Big Red when they're contact runs out? I just renewed my contract and went with the Razr Maxx and was able to keep my unlimited data for two more years. However, in two years when I have to scratch my signature on a new contract, Verizon can bite me. Verizon had a great thing going until they took away our unlimited data and the statement Verizon gave about the reason why, just shows how much they are about the money and not the consumer. It's just not worth the money anymore. I will either be going with a carrier that still has unlimited data in 2 years or a pay as you go phone. Verizon is out of control!
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According to the Verizon tech I talked to yesterday, it's definitely the 28th. He had to make sure my contract kept unlimited before he pushed it through...I made him make sure!
Eff that. I'm leaving now. I'm selling my Nexus and putting a dumb phone on the line and dropping my data plan. I'd rather give T-Mobile my money.
Until they give me problems with my unlimited data usage, which doesn't go above 3-4g's a month, I'm staying. Hopefully, when ne2 is up I'll be able to find a newer phone for a reasonable price. Until then, my maxx is making me happy.
Same here if verizon tries to take my unlimited ill say up urs an jump ship to sprint moto still sells gsm phones plus there is a hack to unlock all moto phones gsm radios
So what happens when your contracts are up and you go to sign with another carrier and NONE of them have unlimited data? I think Verizon is only leading the pack on this one. Everyone else will follow suit by the time all these 2 year agreements expire.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Droid Forums
rpdonald said:
So what happens when your contracts are up and you go to sign with another carrier and NONE of them have unlimited data? I think Verizon is only leading the pack on this one. Everyone else will follow suit by the time all these 2 year agreements expire.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Droid Forums

Sprint is keeping theirs so they can compete cuz its the only thing that makes them different from the other carriers
I have a feeling that people who go to companies like Sprint or T-Mobile for their "unlimited" data plans may be in for a bit of a surprise once they get a good dose of throttled data. As I've said before, it's analogous to an all-you-can-eat buffet that makes you wait an hour before you can refill your plate each time. It may be unlimited, but at some point you may decide it's just not worth it.
To be honest, the unlimited data is the only reason why we have stuck with VZW. When the contract on my wife's R2 unit expires in December, she is most likely switching to a pay-as-you-go phone. Once the contract on my Razr expires, I'm moving to a different (as of yet, undetermined) company. I, for one, am sick of the rising costs for less value, the lies regarding software updates and hardware, their proprietary network, and the crummy selection of locked-down phones. To make matters worse, they have dropped all of their loyalty rewards, and there is now no incentive to stay with them. I refuse to be locked into another 2 years of it.
No reason to drop Verizon, just go purchase your next phone and continue your plan as is, that's all, very simple, here is a thread I started for people who are confused:icon_ devil:
[h=2]Here it is for the confused people of what subsidized means.....[/h]
Originally Posted by kennykid
Okay SO.

I have a 4G Droid Charge on a plan with 2 other people, on with an iPhone 4, one with a Droid 2.

I'm due for an upgrade and want the GSIII, I understand that if I pre-order correctly I will keep unlimited data for at least 2 years. As for my other 2 lines, is there anything I need to make sure they do/don't do? What happens after say 9 months when the droid 2 wants an upgrade? If they use and upgrade and get a subsidized phone, will it affect my unlimited data since we are all on the same plan?

Yes, they will need to purchase the phone at FULL price, read on of my posts in the SG III forum, so you can understand how this works. Ok here it is if you don't want to search for it.
It is all explained for you right here, enjoy.
http://cdn.droidblog.net/forum/images/styles/droid/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by kparks

I got a question when I get my gs3 I plan on selling it on eBay do I need to do anything with the sim I'm assuming I ship everything unactivated... I'm keeping my tbolt!! And when I order my next htc phone :) ill just get another sim

When you order your next phone you will have to pay full price for it, don't forget the SG III you are planning to sell "which you bought at a subsidized price" still belongs to Verizon for 2 years "until it is payed off", reason for them locking you in for another two years is so they can recoup the additional $350 for the original price of the phone, someone has to pay Samsung for the device, so by them giving you a break so you can upgrade to a brand spanking new device at a fraction of said devices full retail cost, they lock you in so said device will be paid off in full, THEY "Verizon" are making the payments for YOU "Joe Blow" at a 2 year rate, of course it is coming out of YOUR account, it's just so you don't have to pay the full price up front, but after two years the phone is payed for BY YOU, and then is yours TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH IT, so you can continue on a month to month basis, unless you buy another subsidized phone, you again will be locked in for two more years " so you can pay for the phones full price at a two year rate, it's like a loan, a two year loan".

Reason Verizon locks people in for two years is so they can recoup the money's for the phone that was sold to you INITIALLY at a subsidized price, someone has to pay for the phone, at it sure is not going to be Verizon "Verizon is only a service provider" you pay for the service and they provide it, that is why if you BUY a phone at fully price, Verizon can not lock you in for another two years "since device is already payed for by you", no risk for them "since now they are ONLY providing you with their service", another reason they bang you for that $350 early termination fee "the termination fee goes down the longer you have the phone", so in case you decide to leave, they still get the money so they can pay off the phone to whom ever vendor they purchased it from. Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony Apple are not in the charity business.

But the main reason for subsidized phones on all the carriers is that it is the ONLY way for them to get people to initially join their network and use their service, this plan was in conjunction with the handset manufacturers, as they knew it would be real hard to get 90+ percent of the population to fork over $500 plus for a new device, so the only way for the manufacturers to be able to sell the phones and the carrier to be able to sell his services, they had to come up with a plan, we Verizon will buy your "manufacturers" Phones at full price, but will only pay them off to you on a two year loan program, and that two year loan is passed on to you the consumer who just got this nice brand spanking new smartphone at a starting price of $200, but YOU will pay off the difference in two years time to Verizon, so in turn Verizon can pay off the phone manufacturer. No business is in the charity business, now if you buy the phone outright, there is nothing Verizon can do, and they could care less, actually this is the best way for them, since they don't have to hold the bag for two years before beign able to pay off loan to phone manufacturer, all they have to do now is what they are actually in business for, and that is to provide you with a service. Now if you figure 60 million of their subscribers have smart phones, at subsidized prices, that mean 60 million X $350= $21 billion that they owe the phone manufacturers, and that is only for smart phones, now if you figure the rest have just regular phones, I would guess $100 X 40 million subscribers= $7 billion, now you do the math.

And in regards to your SIM question, I believe the new LTE Sim is build into the chipset, that is the way that Qualcomm will be going with the S4 chipset, it uses less power this way.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Droid Forums

Last edited by cybertec69; Today at 11:03 AM.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Droid Forums
I have a feeling that people who go to companies like Sprint or T-Mobile for their "unlimited" data plans may be in for a bit of a surprise once they get a good dose of throttled data. As I've said before, it's analogous to an all-you-can-eat buffet that makes you wait an hour before you can refill your plate each time. It may be unlimited, but at some point you may decide it's just not worth it.

I don't really understand your point...I'm getting throttled on Verizon currently. So what difference does it make if I switch to T Mobile and get throttled after 5 GB (when I'm throttled after 2 on VZ)?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I don't really understand your point...I'm getting throttled on Verizon currently. So what difference does it make if I switch to T Mobile and get throttled after 5 GB (when I'm throttled after 2 on VZ)?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Go to YouTube and check out some of the data speed tests done on T-Mobile's service, what a joke.