Team ICEmods is proud to give onto you a totally Inverted Google Apps experience!
This has been test to work on most 404 Roms now!!!
Now Individual Download links Just click the Titles of each app for the individual download!!!!
Many have asked wheres the all in one. There is not an all in one I did this for simplicity. It is very easy to use 7zip and create your own all in one tailored just for you!
Any problems post here and I will try to help as best I can!
Thanks to B-boy for all his help!!
Have to give credit to tgwaste (not for help but for the modded Mms.apk to look thru)
for the divider removal! Where he got it I don't know!
Contacts(4.0.4) *with t9search* *Updated 6-3
This app is only tested working on the Gnexus as thats where its from.
This dl is only for those that have Calendar.apk in /system/app/
Calendar (4.0.4) *Update 6-3
Email (4.0.4) *updated 6-3
No margins on the sides of email body thanks to CrushD
Phonesky.apk (3.5.19) *updated 5-14
Vending.apk(3.5.19) *updated 5-14
Talk (4.0.4) *update 2-11
*Install Instructions*
Just flash over existing Stock talk!
MMS (4.0.4) *Update 6-3
The best of cm9 mms and aokp mms in one beautiful inverted package.
Please enjoy!
Usual disclaimer applies! You break it its your fault not rootz or mine. However having said that I will help in whatever way possible!
If you feel the need to buy me a beer or soda it will be greatly appreciated!!!
It also would help pay the $9 monthly fee to mediafire so no one sees ads anymore!!!! :tongue2:
This has been test to work on most 404 Roms now!!!
Now Individual Download links Just click the Titles of each app for the individual download!!!!
Many have asked wheres the all in one. There is not an all in one I did this for simplicity. It is very easy to use 7zip and create your own all in one tailored just for you!
Any problems post here and I will try to help as best I can!
Thanks to B-boy for all his help!!
Have to give credit to tgwaste (not for help but for the modded Mms.apk to look thru)
for the divider removal! Where he got it I don't know!
Contacts(4.0.4) *with t9search* *Updated 6-3
This app is only tested working on the Gnexus as thats where its from.
This dl is only for those that have Calendar.apk in /system/app/
Calendar (4.0.4) *Update 6-3
Email (4.0.4) *updated 6-3
No margins on the sides of email body thanks to CrushD
Phonesky.apk (3.5.19) *updated 5-14
Vending.apk(3.5.19) *updated 5-14
Talk (4.0.4) *update 2-11
*Install Instructions*
Just flash over existing Stock talk!
MMS (4.0.4) *Update 6-3
The best of cm9 mms and aokp mms in one beautiful inverted package.
Please enjoy!
Usual disclaimer applies! You break it its your fault not rootz or mine. However having said that I will help in whatever way possible!
If you feel the need to buy me a beer or soda it will be greatly appreciated!!!
It also would help pay the $9 monthly fee to mediafire so no one sees ads anymore!!!! :tongue2: