My name is Shawntane (tanecl is my xboxlive gamertag), I'm 32 and my first gaming system was the Atari, I then got the NES (8-bit) cause I was always forgetting to return to my grandmother's house when I went to my boyz crib to plat Mario / Duck Hunt.Well I played it for years, Kept the games for over 8 years even after my NES stopped working, then I got the Sega Genesis. I finally purchased my first game system, Sega Dreamcast, with my own money for the first time. Played that til it stopped reading the discs, then I went without any gaming system for awhile till I got an old PS1 (original- dirty white version, someone threw it out and I kept fiddling with it till I got it to play. During the tinkering days I bought another NES & Sega Genesis (wasn't easy to find) and since I kept all my NES, Genesis, Dreamcast (still got all 5 of them) so I didn't have to find any games either.Well I got the (original) Xbox through my mother cause her and dad separated and it lasted about a year before it started tripping, but I had the maximum amount of music it could hold on its hard drive. I kept it for the music till I replaced it with a new one that I still got and play ocasionally plus I got a lil music put on it and still play.Now I've had a 360 for about 3 years, my sister got hers first so i made my first account (tanest) on it, but forgot by the time I got my own and set it up with my tanecl account. I still have that 360 even though I cant afford new games i still play it when I get bored, but mostly use it to play movies from my laptop cause the disc tray sometimes doesn't want to open.