
glad to have you here. enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Ty...I'll take u up on that actually. I'm a novice user, jus beginning to realize the potential and although I am somewhat tech savvy I'm not a "techy" so to speak. What r the advantages to rooting my fone and shud I even bother?
rooting your phone will give you full contol of your phone. biggest reasons would be to use root apps like screen capture and wireless tether, removing pre installed apps that you don't use, or on the extreme side flashing new firmware/themes. it is worth it if you would be interested in any of those things but that's up to you. and if you decide to root, make sure you read as much as you can and ask questions if you get confused.
Hey Hook, lol at the fancy welcome sign...don't do the twitter but thanx for the handle
Ty spaz, sounds like sumthn i'd b interested in but not quite ready for yet...appreciate the info.
Hello again, silly question but on the date/time screen there's a heading, belongs to:, and I can't seem to locate where to enter my info to fill in that blank, I'm a lil OCD n its driving me nuts...can any1 tell me where to find this?
are you using an antivirus program? i don't think that's a standard feature but i know som of the antivirus apps have it.