Interesting chat with Verizon tech, about 3G/4G issues and 4.0.4.


Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Bellevue, WA
This is the best and most in depth conversation I've ever had with a Verizon tech supervisor.

First, the problems I've been having:

When set to LTE/CDMA, in a full 4G area, my phone will average 20-25% of the on battery time with no cell service. Regularly I'll have 2 or 3 4G bars showing blue, but when I go to make a call or send a text it dumps the service and takes 1-3 minutes to regain 4G. I have an app, Elixir 2, that actually shows signal strength to the tower as a %. It shows 0 well before the 4G bars realize the signal is gone. When set to 4G, the constant searching uses 30% of my battery and overtakes the Android OS for #1 on battery burn.

If I put my phone in CDMA only, I never lose service. I've gone two full days on battery, 13hrs + each with a charge in between and not one time lost 3G. It shows 0% time without service.

I was unlocked and rooted using Wug's method.

The Verizon tech supervisor, after a few transfers, had what I felt was a very honest conversation with me. "We know the Nexus owners are experiencing 3G-4G handoff issues and 4G issues in full coverage areas. The OTA due soon is going to help remedy this." She then checked to see if it was available to push to me, it wasn't. She assured me it would be coming out in the last week of Febraury or First week of March. she also told me it wasn't a specific phone issue and my phone checked out and passed all of her tests. She did however say that she would wave any re-stock fee or associated fees if I wanted to return for any other phone, or I could get another Nexus.

She also told me that the second I see anyone online saying they got the official OTA to call back, reference my account notes and that she, or another supervisor, could push it to my phone immediately. This is why she checked the status of the OTA, if it was available anywhere in the country she could have pushed it to me.

She also told me I could install a leaked version from a reputable site but that part of the reason the OTA hasn't been released is that they were still tweaking the radios as of two weeks ago. So, the leaked versions may not have the most up to date radios.


btw, I love this phone and won't be trading for anything else. I have until Thur next week to trade it in on another Nexus, I may do that just to be safe. I am now un-rooted and re-locked waiting for the OTA.
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I've never heard of a Verizon tech give away so much information, you got a great tech. We'll have to wait and see for the official OTA, but I wouldn't be surprised if it gets to mid-March and we still don't see it.

Let us know if you get a new Nexus and if that works out better for ya
lol sorry, i know my post was blunt, but after my personal bionic nightmare, i no longer believe anything vzw reps have to say about updates. i don't care if their "tier 20" or "executive reps". :D
lol sorry, i know my post was blunt, but after my personal bionic nightmare, i no longer believe anything vzw reps have to say about updates. i don't care if their "tier 20" or "executive reps". :D
I hope the sales rep is not a member,cos after she reads what you said,I wouldnt wanna be you. :D
I call once a week about my signal problems....noone ever offered for me to trade in my phone for a different nexus
lol sorry, i know my post was blunt, but after my personal bionic nightmare, i no longer believe anything vzw reps have to say about updates. i don't care if their "tier 20" or "executive reps". :D

Verizon employees are just like employees at any other company.
Some pay more attention than others and have more and/or better information.
Verizon employees are just like employees at any other company.
Some pay more attention than others and have more and/or better information.

No they're not. Many other companies empower their employees with useful knowledge. :D
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Useful posts are escaping this thread.

Let's try to keep it somewhat positive, at the very least neutral.

Sent from the best 3G phone on Verizon.
I know this is a bit off topic but the constant waits for ota updates and the how it sometimes feels like no one every knows about the updates is are why I love custom roms.

But its interesting as to how they told you to flash an unofficial update. That's something I never thought they would say.

Sent from my Droid R2D2 running Cm9
If you are losing service altogether while on 4g, it is hardware related and that is the end. No OTA will fix it. Get a new Nexus, that's what I did. Have had no dropped signal issues since.

Sent from my GNex