Installed new leaked 2.3 and... unrooted!


New Member
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Summerville SC
First I would like to say hello to everyone as I am a new poster, not a new reader. Secondly, I admit in advance that I'm an idiot. So...

I installed the new leaked 2.3 gingerbread on my X with no problems and loved it. My wife liked it and wanted me to put it on her Droid 2. So I proceeded to root her phone and install the d2 zip with bootstrap like I did on my phone with no problems.

Now she insisted that I unroot the phone when I was done, so I did, thinking I was finished. Then I found out swype was inoperable due to whatever reasons. Swype is a must for her. Now replacing the production swype with the beta swype is easy... on a rooted device. I unrooted a brand new OS and now have no way to root it back to fix this issue UNLESS...

...there is a way to get into clockwork recovery without being rooted. I did have the presence of mind to do a back up while I was in there initially. That is the only thing I can think of. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise this phone is in limbo and I'm in the dog house :)


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First I would like to say hello to everyone as I am a new poster, not a new reader. Secondly, I admit in advance that I'm an idiot. So...

I installed the new leaked 2.3 gingerbread on my X with no problems and loved it. My wife liked it and wanted me to put it on her Droid 2. So I proceeded to root her phone and install the d2 zip with bootstrap like I did on my phone with no problems.

Now she insisted that I unroot the phone when I was done, so I did, thinking I was finished. Then I found out swype was inoperable due to whatever reasons. Swype is a must for her. Now replacing the production swype with the beta swype is easy... on a rooted device. I unrooted a brand new OS and now have no way to root it back to fix this issue UNLESS...

...there is a way to get into clockwork recovery without being rooted. I did have the presence of mind to do a back up while I was in there initially. That is the only thing I can think of. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise this phone is in limbo and I'm in the dog house :)


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So after you installed 2.3 you unrooted the phone? I was pretty sure that once you installed 2.3 you lost root anyway and had to sbf back to 2.2 to reroot the phone. But I think 2.3 has been rooted as well. I don't think there is anyway to geting Clockwork without being rooted. That said, I am fairly new at this too. I am not using GB 2.3 leak and if it is in fact rooted, couldnt you just reroot? I would search on here and see if 2.3 has root access now. I'm sure if it has, there is a step by step guide that someone has posted on here. Sorry if I was of no help..........I am still learning things.....
I'm not sure of the process to root, but 2.3 has been rooted. Most people have just been installing the prerooted version. Honestly I haven't seen any step by step guides. If you can't find one you're probably going to have to sbf back to 2.2 and redo everything.

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Yeah I installed the pre-rooted one, and managed to unroot with z4,.but it obviously wouldn't root back. I haven't seen any guides for manual rooting gb either, so the phone will remain rooted until then

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