If you could only have/recommend 5 APPS ?

eBuddy - all-in-one instant messaging program. I've tried all the free ones and this is the only reliable one I've been able to find. AND if you go to an area that has no service, it puts a BIG RED box warning at the top that you've been disconnected and then green again when you're reconnected. All the other all-in-one apps didn't any kind of warning system when you were disconnected.

Handcent SMS - i know everyone basically has mentioned this one, but this thing rocks my socks :) Best customization ever.

Screebl - Keeps the screen always on based on the orientation and degree your phone is being held or sitting at. Won't let the screen turn off while you're using it. It also doesn't drain the energy while doing this (and yeah i've been using it for months, it really doesn't).

aCar - This app tracks all the maintenance on your car and it gives you statistics as to how much it costs to tun your car daily, per month, etc. Also has reminders for changing your oil, etc.

CallTrack - It tracks all your incoming and outgoing calls and it logs them into your google calendar. You can pick the specific colors you want it to log them under too, or i made a whole new calendar to show JUST those and it integrates with the regular google calendar can hide them if you want and only show family birthdays for instance. It's great if you're trying to stay under your minutes (i have this unfortunate problem lol). Yes i know My Verizon can do that too, but sometimes that's not always accurate, and this would be ;)

I've got a bunch more, but this is 5 :)

and i like reading everyone elses responses and i've found some good new apps and some info i didn't know :)

ok ok i can't resist hehe i also dig:

mr. number caller ID
OI safe (pw keeper)
ringdroid (maybe i'm naive, but this was the ONLY app i could find that would let me take a ringtone and cut it up and make it a notifier tone. otherwise i could only use the stock ones. )
wifi analyzer
gmail notifier (replacement for native gmail stock LED colors and gives you other options)
epocrates (gives you drug info ... prescription, OTC, etc. interactions, history. it's meant for medical professionals, but i like all that scientific stuff :) )
I installed the launcher pro but it is not showing on my app list is it stored some where else where I can access it and mess with the settings on it? This thread is awesome and I also in the earlier thread about an app imusic but was not able to find it in the market, anyone know if that app is still available?
Wow. This thread has made my day. I've downloaded at least 30 new apps I'll be killing my battery tonight trying.

As fro my favorite 5 apps, pretty much all of them have been mentioned, but I may as well repeat them for the sake of not letting them be overlooked.

1. LauncherPro -- Fully customizable home launcher replacement with up to 7 home screens and even a quicklaunch dock. Free (beta), along with the ability to add extra icons on home screens, and doesn't slow my Droid down or deal with ANY force close issues like I did with Helix2.

2. Bloo -- Facebook app with much more features and better, more reliable notifications than the Facebook for Android app.

3. Google Voice -- Voicemail inbox replacement that will transcribe voicemails into text sent by email or SMS text, free SMS text messages, cheap-ass international calling, and my own personalized number linked to my cell, home and work phones. This has literally replaced just about everything I do phone-wise on my phone. I love it.

4. SMS Popup -- I've tried and HATED Handcent and ChompSMS because they completely rip the iPhone messaging look, and offered the ugliest "customizations" to look like the native Droid Messaging app. For starters, the native app is rather customizable in itself. The only thing it lacked for me was a popup notification. SMS Popup does that for me, as well as customizations to show or hide message contents, as well as the option to read the message through TTS.

5. Swype -- Beautiful, beautiful keyboard. Shapewriter was way too clunky for my tastes, and after I found Swype, I almost don't use my physical keyboard anymore which was what sold me on my Droid over the Incredible. Beta has reopened, but only for a limited time, so hurry to beta.swype.com and register before you have to hunt down a leaked beta.

Some other apps I use that shouldn't be left off the list are:

AppBrain -- A nice replacement to Market that has better organization, and the ability to browse the market on my computer and send to my phone.

AndChat -- An IRC client.

Astro File Manager -- Well, the name of the app says it all.

Mobile Banking -- By Bank of America

Dolphin Browser HD -- A-MAzing web browser.

Happy Hours -- Another Yelp! or Foursquare type app only featuring bars and restaurants in your area with happy hour specials. Any social alcoholic's dream.

ShootMe -- another screencap app like Drocap t hat can run in the background. Shake your phone and it will take a screenshot and save it onto your SD card.

Yelp!. Search for local restaurants, bars, shops, and (my favorite) gas stations by location. Offers user reviews and ratings. A life saver when my low fuel light is on or I need to make a last minute decision to go out somewhere.

All apps I've mentioned (except Swype) are available in Market, and all are absolutely free.
Advance Task Killer Free
GameBoid Lite

Those five are my favorites so far that I have installed. Please keep in mind that I've only had my Droid for about three days now. >.< LOL
Folder Organizer
Weather and Toggle Widgets
System Panel Apparently
Astro...that's five. I also loved Launcher Pro till the recent updates (phone lagged) and expect to go back to it.

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I was reading through random pages in this thread for some cool APPS and I found one.

The APP that when you wake your DROID up, you don't need to do the slider thing.

Sadly, I accidently clicked a new page and I forgot the name of it or what page it was on...

Any ideas?
I was reading through random pages in this thread for some cool APPS and I found one.

The APP that when you wake your DROID up, you don't need to do the slider thing.

Sadly, I accidently clicked a new page and I forgot the name of it or what page it was on...

Any ideas?
one i posted called screen mode widget. great app

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Launcher Pro
Beautiful Smaller Home
Xscope browser
Cal Widget

(can't stop at 5)

Live Scores
Folder Organizer
Battery Lite
Sirius XM
My current top-5
1) Sweeterhome2
2) Swype
3) ES File Browser (wifi connect to laptop = awesome!)
4) Pure messenger widget
5) Android Agenda widget