ICS and MotoBlur


Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Boulder, Colorado
Ok, I am bored... so,
Just curious, does anyone know whether Motorola is going to port MotoBlur to ICS? I am speaking specifically to the integration, syncing, etc of social media apps. Would be nice to see them focus there energy on things that are useful and would probably allow them to get Google Android releases out quicker. As I understand, early on, this was good to have, but supposedly, Google Android and the vendors themselves are doing a better jobs at this. This is not one of the areas I am well versed on, thus curious, any thoughts? Afraid to ask on the Motorola support forum, think the all have blur in their DNA :p
Of course ICS will have blur on motorola devices. They think it gives them a competitive advantage, when in actuality it hinders their fine hardware. If they unlocked their bootloaders, that would do a lot more for their sales than any stupid skin they throw on android.
My Bionic is my first smart phone. What part of it is the moto blur. I know it is something about the integration of apps or the social media, but what is it exactly if some one has a good link I can read. I think it is the part I turned off. I know there is a program that can combine my accounts, hotmail, yahoo and gmail with Facebook and make them appear together. Is that blur?
Yes in the simplest answer, but blur is the Motorola's interface overlay on the base Android software. Sense is HTC's and Touchwiz is Samsung's. But blur is in just about every part of your bionic.the plus side is that this version is the least intrusive they've had I think. That's why there it's so much love for the nexus devices, they have no overlay on them and very little blotware.

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