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I too hate ice cream sandwich.


New Member
I had an update suggestion pop up on my phone yesterday and made a terrible mistake and hit the accept it button. I'm pretty certain that it is ics update, whatever it is, I can't stand it. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this update and go back to my old software which I think is gingerbread? I'm begging for help here.
Believe me I feel like I made the same mistake. I was sold on all rainbows, unicorns and cotton freakn candy. No Flash! Where they do that at? I have hit all types of msg boards looking for a solution. Downloaded flash 11 uninstalled (3x) & Chrome, Firefox, Dolphin Flashify, Adobe Air? Mx Player, No Bueno. Cringe every time someone says that they updated Ice Cream on their Razr and "It works fine". Join the club. The update Sucks Eggs! So does the battery (got lte on/off app now) and the fluidity (if that is a word) is laggy. SMFH. My Razr is no longer as fun as when it was on Gingerbread w/flash. I would have Nevvvvvver hit update if I knew this is what would have happened to my baby :(
Welcome to the forum to both of you. Hopefully we can help get you happy with your razr's again. There are a couple things you can try that have been successful for people that had problems with ICS. The first was posted earlier today here...


I tried this out of curiosity and it will not make any noticeable changes to your settings or apps. The steps I followed were...

1. Turn off phone.
2. Press volume up + Volume down + Power all at the same time to get to the HBOOT screen.
3. Volume down to "Recovery"
4. Volume up to select "recovery" which will bring you to the android guy with a triangle and exclamation point.
5. Press all at the same time: volume up, volume down and power.
6. Volume down to "wipe cache partition" and select using power button.
7. When done, select "reboot system" using power button.

Keep in mind that you have installed an operating system (ICS) over an operating system (gingerbread) and it is likely that they will have conflicts with each other. The same as if you installed windows 7 over vista on your pc. If the above does not solve your problems, the next best thing is to do is a factory data reset (fdr). That has worked for most everyone and many that avoided it at all costs ended up very happy that they finally did. It will take you 2 to 5 hours to get your apps and settings back to what you had but it will save you days of trying every other fix to no avail.

Before doing the fdr, you can backup your text messages using SMS Backup & Restore and your apps, call logs, data, etc using MyBackup (both free in the play store).

Best of luck. Ask any questions you may have in the process.
I'm with you...this new Ice Cream Sandwich SUCKS!
I held off clicking update for about a week when the notification kept popping up every few hours, but accidently hit OK the other day, and I am kicking myself in the ass ever since!!!!!!!!!!
My contacts are all merged and when I finally figured out how to limit the ones I want displayed I noticed about 20 are missing!
The email viewer is a huge load of CRAP!
My battery life has dropped drastically! I used to get about 30 hrs on a full charge and since the ICS update i am barely getting 6 hrs.
Phone constantly in 4G mode - I have the 4G toggle switch app that worked great before, but does nothing now. Can't figure out how to set the phone to 3G for main use, and switch to 4G when I need to get on the net.

I may have to concider getting rid of my Razor for the iPhone 5 in a few months when it come out...
red22769 said:
Phone constantly in 4G mode - I have the 4G toggle switch app that worked great before, but does nothing now. Can't figure out how to set the phone to 3G for main use, and switch to 4G when I need to get on the net.

I may have to concider getting rid of my Razor for the iPhone 5 in a few months when it come out...

Sorry, there is no way to revert back to GB. Those that have tried bricked their phone. But there are things you can do that will improve your experience dramatically.

#1, do a factory data reset. Yes, it is a pain; Yes, it takes about 2-5 hours to get your phone set up like it was... but the time you save yourself of dealing with the frustrations without it, is more than worth it.

#2, a huge battery hog is that ICS, by fault, is set to global instead of 4g/3g or 3g only. Global sucks a lot of battery. To change it to 4g/3g, go into settings, select "more...," select "mobile networks," select "Network mode," select "LTE/CDMA."

To put your phone on 3g only, install "Phone Info" from play store. Go into "Phone Information" then scroll down to the " LTE/CDMA/EvDo" (or whatever network mode your phone is currently set to) drop box and select "CDMA auto (PRL)." On GB, I use to keep my phone in 3g only mode because I live in a 3g only area but with ICS, my battery has been fine in 3g/4g mode.

Hope this helps.
Missing music and God knows how many Numbers!

I did a factory reset after I first backed up pictures and music. Forgot that there were apps that I should have saved for the data that were in some. No big deal. I decided to have Chinese. You know because I needed an energy boost from the hours of trying to restore my Razr to my satisfaction. No Chinese contact. COME ON! I have no clue what numbers are missing. Fine. I have other devices to compare missing numbers. Let me just relax and listen to my Amazing music library with over 1400 tracks. ARE YOU SERIOUS! There are 753 tracks! Poweramp deleted my playlist. WTH! I downloaded Linda Manager. Found some pictures I didn't know missing but no music.
How do you copy and paste on this thing!
And this keyboard still sucks eggs!
No more Crackle, VH1. I need Flash in my life.
Thinking about warranty replacement only if I can get a Razr with GB os.
#2, a huge battery hog is that ICS, by fault, is set to global instead of 4g/3g or 3g only. Global sucks a lot of battery. To change it to 4g/3g, go into settings, select "more...," select "mobile networks," select "Network mode," select "LTE/CDMA."

To put your phone on 3g only, install "Phone Info" from play store. Go into "Phone Information" then scroll down to the " LTE/CDMA/EvDo" (or whatever network mode your phone is currently set to) drop box and select "CDMA auto (PRL)." On GB, I use to keep my phone in 3g only mode because I live in a 3g only area but with ICS, my battery has been fine in 3g/4g mode.

Hope this helps.

I tried what you suggested with the Phone Info APP. Thanks for the info - it looks like a useful APP!

I have also noticed that my service bars are minimal since the ICS upgrade. In my area I always had full bars, now I am lucky to get 1 or 2....
My phone get hot now when in use...what is this about?
And I constantly have a error notification pop up saying "Background Data Restricted" I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS, OR WHAT BACKGROUND DATA IS BEING RUN OR RESTRICTED.....

Can't figure out how to get my contacts all back they way they were! I do not want to have to flip between 3 different groups, and I do not want all my FaceBook contacts merged with my work / business contacts...


Going to try a factory reset tonight. If that doesn't work then I am going to get rid of my Razr when the iPHONE 5 comes out
Just noticed that video playback is only in the narrow view now...it does not auto flip to the length of the phone when I rotate the phone.

Oh, and if I do not have 4G turned on I cannot access WEB or half of my APPS!!!!!!


I'll be going to Verizon in the am to demand a new phone, or my money back for this piece of garbage!
I have serious buyers remorse. I have a Razr Max and I absolutely hate it since the update. I liked everything about GB better. ICS isn't buggy, it just seems inferior. I don't like not having the option to only show contacts with phones. I now have several hundred contacts to sort through when I need to make a call, because it shows all my Email contacts. Talk to text is useless now because it is sooo slow to figure out what I said. I used to use it constantly. The predictive text doesn't figure out the word until it is almost typed. The swipe feature is cool, but not as cool as just talking to it. These are just a few issues I have. I didn't even mention that it shortens battery life. I wish I kept my old Droid. I am considering other options. Sucks, because I have only had this phone for about 2 weeks.
I'm with you...this new Ice Cream Sandwich SUCKS!
I held off clicking update for about a week when the notification kept popping up every few hours, but accidently hit OK the other day, and I am kicking myself in the ass ever since!!!!!!!!!!
My contacts are all merged and when I finally figured out how to limit the ones I want displayed I noticed about 20 are missing!
The email viewer is a huge load of CRAP!
My battery life has dropped drastically! I used to get about 30 hrs on a full charge and since the ICS update i am barely getting 6 hrs.
Phone constantly in 4G mode - I have the 4G toggle switch app that worked great before, but does nothing now. Can't figure out how to set the phone to 3G for main use, and switch to 4G when I need to get on the net.

I may have to concider getting rid of my Razor for the iPhone 5 in a few months when it come out...

To switch between 3G and 4G, download the app "Phone Info." Once there, click phone info, scroll down, and just ABOVE "turn off radio," you should be able to click to select GSM/CDMA auto (PRL). It will reset every time you turn your phone off and on, though. But it is a HUGE battery saver. Also, in your regular phone settings, make sure you're not in Global. That seems to be a natural setting for ICS and it drains the battery a bit.
Welcome to the forum to both of you. Hopefully we can help get you happy with your razr's again. There are a couple things you can try that have been successful for people that had problems with ICS. The first was posted earlier today here...


I tried this out of curiosity and it will not make any noticeable changes to your settings or apps. The steps I followed were...

1. Turn off phone.
2. Press volume up + Volume down + Power all at the same time to get to the HBOOT screen.
3. Volume down to "Recovery"
4. Volume up to select "recovery" which will bring you to the android guy with a triangle and exclamation point.
5. Press all at the same time: volume up, volume down and power.
6. Volume down to "wipe cache partition" and select using power button.
7. When done, select "reboot system" using power button.

Keep in mind that you have installed an operating system (ICS) over an operating system (gingerbread) and it is likely that they will have conflicts with each other. The same as if you installed windows 7 over vista on your pc. If the above does not solve your problems, the next best thing is to do is a factory data reset (fdr). That has worked for most everyone and many that avoided it at all costs ended up very happy that they finally did. It will take you 2 to 5 hours to get your apps and settings back to what you had but it will save you days of trying every other fix to no avail.

Before doing the fdr, you can backup your text messages using SMS Backup & Restore and your apps, call logs, data, etc using MyBackup (both free in the play store).

Best of luck. Ask any questions you may have in the process.

No we didn't install an OS over and OS. Verizon and Google did it too us. Not by choice. Unless buying the phone was a mistake. I can agree with that. Can't recommend it nor would I buy it again. I supose one could keep hitting LATER every freakin time we turn on or unlock the phone. NOT. We'll be changing our choice when the contract with Verizon is up. I can't believe Google did this to us. No wait. I can believe it as they obviously don't know what they are doing to us. Maybe I'll use Bing from now on.
Well sorry you feel that way.some of us actually like ics. Hoe you are happy with your iphone or Windows phone.

Sent from My Droid RAZR MAXX with Tapatalk.