If anyone is on and available, this is just a quick before I start looking thing about finding the most stable ROM for my wife's fascinate, I rooted, put on voodoo, and now she can't text and her phone is randomly rebooting, it is running Evil Fascination 3.5.1. Also, but less importantly, I can't seem to get her clock to show on the notification bar even though the bar is black, I unchecked disable clock, and set the color to white, it won't show up.
Thank you, and until you guys respond I will be diligently looking for a fix, and ROMming her phone like mad.
PS: If you know a stable 2.3 ROM I Would love that, a nice fully functional 2.2 would work too.
Thank you, and until you guys respond I will be diligently looking for a fix, and ROMming her phone like mad.
PS: If you know a stable 2.3 ROM I Would love that, a nice fully functional 2.2 would work too.