I really like the usb charging cable that came with my Nexus. I know most people just say, "Meh, charging cable; meh, manual; meh, headphones" when opening the box, but when i opened my Nexus box the first thing i noticed was how long the cable was (apart from the beautiful phone, obviously.) My last phone was the OG Droid, and, as you may know, the cable was short as hell; the Nexus cable is long. It also fits perfectly into my Droid, which every micro usb cable should because that's what it uses to charge, but every charger i have bought was also "wibbly-wobbly" in all my Droids (yes, i had mine replaced to see if it was just that specific Droid, nope.) Maybe I did just get a couple Droids that just had bad ports, and that's why all the cables i bought would move. Anyway, it fits perfectly and that's all i care about. It is weird though that the way you plug it into the Nexus is backwards. on the Droid, the widest side of the cable was facing you when it went in. On the Nexus, the widest side is facing away from you. Then again, the only other smartphone i have owned has been the OG Droid so maybe the Droid was the weird one :blink: