I am thinking of getting the X. 
I really do like my D2 but the roms I used to enjoy so much on my D1 are just not coming to the D2. I always enjoyed Chevy roms and JRummy roms.
Obviously the D1 was a rom machine! The D2 is a great phone, but it seems all the attention is going to the X and nobody cares about the 2.
My wife has an upgrade available and wants a phone with a keyboard. My D2 will work well for her and she may be kind enough to let me use her upgrade to get myself an X.
My decision has nothing to do with anything other than rom choice. The function of my D2 is awesome...

I really do like my D2 but the roms I used to enjoy so much on my D1 are just not coming to the D2. I always enjoyed Chevy roms and JRummy roms.
Obviously the D1 was a rom machine! The D2 is a great phone, but it seems all the attention is going to the X and nobody cares about the 2.
My wife has an upgrade available and wants a phone with a keyboard. My D2 will work well for her and she may be kind enough to let me use her upgrade to get myself an X.
My decision has nothing to do with anything other than rom choice. The function of my D2 is awesome...