HTC UNLOCKING Bootloaders!

the best part would be unlocked bootloaders for all.... if it is "as long as carriers allow" then the carriers are requesting it now.....

I wonder how it will play out
the best part would be unlocked bootloaders for all.... if it is "as long as carriers allow" then the carriers are requesting it now.....

I wonder how it will play out

I just hope vzw isn't one of the carriers requesting it haha. A cool as an unlocked bootloader is, I'm not going to switch to a crappy carrier just so I can hack my phone, and I'm sure most people feel the same way...
the best part would be unlocked bootloaders for all.... if it is "as long as carriers allow" then the carriers are requesting it now.....

I wonder how it will play out

I just hope vzw isn't one of the carriers requesting it haha. A cool as an unlocked bootloader is, I'm not going to switch to a crappy carrier just so I can hack my phone, and I'm sure most people feel the same way...

I'm with ya on that one... I got just upgraded to the Tbolt tho, in the two years I have until I can upgrade, they have plenty of time to change their minds
so, i have a favor to ask. please forum admins please post away when the first batch of unlocked htc phones hit the market i will be an htc follower now.
This is very good news for the android dev community. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

While root users are a minority in the android world, HTC has decided that it is a large enough group, and probably more importantly, vocal enough about it, that they want to keep their users happy. So yes, the squeaky wheel in fact does get the unlocked bootloaders dancedroid
HTC just jumped to the top of my list of companies to consider buying my next device from, once my contract is up! I'll recommend them to anyone else who might be in the market as well. This news just made my weekend!
Wow. What great news. I will be jumping to htc. Does anyone have a link to send our thank yous too?

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
This is awesome news. Also I think it was a genius marketing move to announce this right when Sony, LG and Motorola introduced their latest Verizon Androids.
This is awesome.
Especially because there are no caveats here. No weasel statements. It's absolute. Everything will be unlocked.

Htc is probably one of my favorite companies right now for having the balls to go out and make an absolute statement. That basically NEVER happens.
Well, I'm still excited about this news a day after. As I read this forum, I see everyone talking about "if the carrier allows unlocked bootloaders." That makes sense that the carriers would lock the phones up; which makes even more sense why HTC would just "leak" the keys to the devs and allow it to happen from there. A lot of the people around these forums know how to root/ unlock/ flash roms because we're the people that they were obviously listening to when they made this decision. If they just leak the keys, they can allow the carriers to lock them and then we get the keys from them. It makes sense to me.
I hate to sound cynical, but I just can't imagine the carriers, or the companies concerned with DRM (blockbuster, netflix, etc.) will be ok with this. Even if the carriers are ok with it, the DRM group won't be, and the carriers are in bed with them. I guess it could turn into more of what we're already seeing - apps detecting root and not running - which, I guess, is still better than being completely locked down.
...For all the Evo 3D buyers.

On the day the news broke over the bootloaders, I was pissed off, I really wanted to get an HTC Evo 3D. So, I emailed everyone on the email list that I found on reddit in a polite, professional manner. I never expected to ever hear back from anyone on the list (actually 3 of the emails bounced back). However, I checked my email this morning and Peter Chou, co-founder of HTC, sent me a response! (Screenshot here)
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your support to htc. We hear your concern. And we take it seriously and now we will unlock it.
Our original intent was to reduce the potential quality problem when user upgrade their phone. Any way we will unlock it. Customer satisfaction is very important for us and we want you have a good experience when you deal with htc. Thanks again for your support.
Best Regards.
Now, everyone has the question about whether or not the Evo 3D will be able to have its bootloader unlocked. Unfortunately, Mr. Chou says "now we will unlock it." I don't know if he is talking about the EVO 3D's or just bootloaders in general, but my original message was about the EVO 3D's bootloader, not any other phone.
OMG, The Co-founder of HTC, Peter Chou, sent me a response over the bootloaders! : Android
I hate to sound cynical, but I just can't imagine the carriers, or the companies concerned with DRM (blockbuster, netflix, etc.) will be ok with this. Even if the carriers are ok with it, the DRM group won't be, and the carriers are in bed with them. I guess it could turn into more of what we're already seeing - apps detecting root and not running - which, I guess, is still better than being completely locked down.

I guess I understand this argument, but how is it any different than when you buy a PC or laptop? You can install any OS or software on your computer that you want. HP and Dell don't lock down PCs. A smartphone is just a small computer. Can't they control DRM through hardware or files (like MP3s)? I think the biggest carrier concern is people using free tethering. Is there a way to lock that down separately?
I hate to sound cynical, but I just can't imagine the carriers, or the companies concerned with DRM (blockbuster, netflix, etc.) will be ok with this. Even if the carriers are ok with it, the DRM group won't be, and the carriers are in bed with them. I guess it could turn into more of what we're already seeing - apps detecting root and not running - which, I guess, is still better than being completely locked down.

Locking the bootloader will not keep people from removing preloaded apps. Locked bootloaders I think was a security thing. And I think they should come locked from the factory and be unlockable for the consumers who want them unlocked. Some customers dont care and their are some who want that security.

...For all the Evo 3D buyers.

On the day the news broke over the bootloaders, I was pissed off, I really wanted to get an HTC Evo 3D. So, I emailed everyone on the email list that I found on reddit in a polite, professional manner. I never expected to ever hear back from anyone on the list (actually 3 of the emails bounced back). However, I checked my email this morning and Peter Chou, co-founder of HTC, sent me a response! (Screenshot here)
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your support to htc. We hear your concern. And we take it seriously and now we will unlock it.
Our original intent was to reduce the potential quality problem when user upgrade their phone. Any way we will unlock it. Customer satisfaction is very important for us and we want you have a good experience when you deal with htc. Thanks again for your support.
Best Regards.
Now, everyone has the question about whether or not the Evo 3D will be able to have its bootloader unlocked. Unfortunately, Mr. Chou says "now we will unlock it." I don't know if he is talking about the EVO 3D's or just bootloaders in general, but my original message was about the EVO 3D's bootloader, not any other phone.
OMG, The Co-founder of HTC, Peter Chou, sent me a response over the bootloaders! : Android

I dont think it will br retroactive but they could send out an update to unlock it or allow people to download it from their site. For now it has just been announced so I am sure they are working on a compromise that will work for consumers and carriers.