How to move email addresses from verizon.netmail into droid contact list


New Member
May 13, 2013
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To move (export) contacts from verizon netmail to Android smart phone:
Verizon doesn't have an export facility but here is a way around. First in Verizon netmail go to Contacts. Then select all contacts, then under Actions select Print Contacts.
This will open two windows. Close the Print window, the second window has all the contacts listed.
Now select all contacts in this window (ctl A), then Copy (ctl C), then paste these contacts into a new Excel sheet.
Now you have to edit the formatting to get rid of excessive formatting etc. I copied the name column and the email address column onto a new sheet, then did a sort to eliminate the empty rows.
You need to end up with 3 columns with the exact headings: Name, E-mail Address, and Phone.
Now save this sheet as a csv file.
If you don’t know how to do this, see detailed Excel edit instructions below.
Now open your gmail account and go to contacts and under More, select import and then browse for and select the .csv file you saved.

Detailed Excel edit instructions:
Select column B (names) and copy. Then paste-special-values to column A in a new sheet.
Select column E (addresses) and copy. Paste special-values to column B in the new sheet.
Now in the new sheet widen columns A and B wide enough to see all the data.
Notice that the addresses are displaced one row below the names. To correct this, select all addresses beginning with the first one and drag the selection up 1 row. Now move all the data (names and addresses) up so that first name and address begin on row 2.
In cells A1, B1, C1 enter the column headings :Name, E-mail Address, and Phone. Now save the file as a .csv file.

Last edited:
I searched high and low and could not find out how to do this. So I fooled around and discovered this work around.
Since no one seems to know how to do this even Verizon themselves that posting probably deserves to be made a sticky.
A sort is needed to eliminate the empty rows

Add the highlighted sentence to the procedure:

To move (export) contacts from verizon netmail to Android smart phone:
Verizon doesn't have an export facility but here is a way around. First in Verizon netmail go to Contacts. Then select all contacts, then under Actions select Print Contacts.
This will open two windows. Close the Print window, the second window has all the contacts listed.
Now select all contacts in this window (ctl A), then Copy (ctl C), then paste these contacts into a new Excel sheet.
Now you have to edit the formatting to get rid of excessive formatting etc. I copied the name column and the email address column onto a new sheet, then did a sort to eliminate the empty rows.
You need to end up with 3 columns with the exact headings: Name, E-mail Address, and Phone.
Now save this sheet as a csv file.
If you don’t know how to do this, see detailed Excel edit instructions below.
Now open your gmail account and go to contacts and under More, select import and then browse for and select the .csv file you saved.

Detailed Excel edit instructions:
Select column B (names) and copy. Then paste-special-values to column A in a new sheet.
Select column E (addresses) and copy. Paste special-values to column B in the new sheet.
Now in the new sheet widen columns A and B wide enough to see all the data.
Notice that the addresses are displaced one row below the names. To correct this, select all addresses beginning with the first one and drag the selection up 1 row. Now move all the data (names and addresses) up so that first name and address begin on row 2.

Now beginning on row2 do an ascending sort which will move the empty rows to the bottom of the list.

In cells A1, B1, C1 enter the column headings :Name, E-mail Address, and Phone. Now save the file as a .csv file.
