Hi all, just got my new DROID Turbo after upgrading from my DROID RAZR. I can't figure out how to delete or edit your contacts. I have tried but there is no option. Every time I click on a contact it goes to call them!. I deleted the cache even disabled the clould sync, then I had no contacts, so I just imported my contacts from storage but still I cannot edit or delete, how do you do this? On the RAZR it was so easy just hold the contact then the option comes up to edit, delete etc. I'm lost with this one. :/
There are at least two ways to do what you're trying to do.
You can get to a particular contact by either finding a recent call to that contact in the call history;
...or by searching from the dialer;
From either way above, once you find the contact you're looking for you can either tap on the picture of the contact (or large letter identifier), on the left in either method above, or on the clock icon on the right in the call history.
Once you're in the next screen, to edit tap on the little person icon on the right.
Finally tap on the the vertically oriented three dots (menu), at the top right,
and your edit choices appear...
...including edit, share, delete, set ringtone, all calls to voicemail, and place on home screen (as a quick one touch widget to call).
Once you choose edit, you'd find the entire contact record...