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[HOW TO] Complete "Tutorial" on using Samsung ODIN to Flash \ Repair your Device


Senior Member
HELLO!!! Welcome to my «» Kaotic World «»!!! ;)

Thank YOU so much for taking the time, and effort, to read and/or use my Guides and Tutorials!!!!
I hope this helps YOU to resolve your problems, or at least learn something NEW!! I work »HARD« to help everyone out!!
** IF ** You find any discrepancies, or errors.....PLEASE, LET ME KNOW!! (In this Post!)

««« Bringing »ORDER« to your KAOS!! »»»
««« Last Updated: 2015/01/13 »»»

««« WARNING »»»
««« This “Tutorial” should »ONLY« be used »AFTER« using the “Samsung Kies”, and/or the “Verizon Software Repair Assistant” Programs!!!! »»»
And »ONLY« ** IF ** either of those methods »FAILED« to »»REPAIR«« your Device or “Issues”. »»»

*** PLEASE *** Use ONE (1) of these “Tutorials” »BEFORE« using this one!!!
»ALL« Verizon Wireless Devices should use this method to »»REPAIR«« their Device:
»»Verizon Software Repair Assistant««
»ALL« Other Wireless Devices, or “Verizon Wireless” Devices that »FAIL« with the “Software Repair Assistant” should use this method to »»REPAIR«« their Device:
»»Samsung Kies Tutorial««

*** PLEASE *** Make sure you have Backed Up »ALL« of your Data, Photos, and Downloads!!
I »WILL NOT« be held responsible for lost data, or “HARD BRICKED” Devices. Use This “Tutorial” @ your » OWN RISK «

** IF ** You have not already installed “Samsung Kies” onto your Computer, I »HIGHLY« recommend that you follow the»»Samsung Kies Tutorial«« »BEFORE« completing this “Tutorial”!!
** IF ** You choose »NOT« to Install “Samsung Kies”, Then you »MUST« Download and »»INSTALL«« the latest Samsung Device Drivers before continuing this “Tutorial”.

Section 1 -- “PREPARATION”

««« NOTICE »»»
This “Tutorial” is an »ADVANCED« method to »»FLASH«« or »»REPAIR«« your Samsung Device to Factory Condition!! »»» ««« Every effort was made to simplify the »STEPS« so that even a “Novice User” can understand. »»»

To begin with, You »MUST« have a “TRUE” installation of “Windows”, OR an Apple/Macintosh Computer running a "BootCamp" version. It »CAN NOT« be a “Virtual”, “Virtualized”, or any flavour of a Linux\Unix OS for the Operating System (OS) on the Computer. It »WILL NOT WORK« with the ODIN software!!!
** IF ** You would like to »»FLASH«« your Device using a Linux\Unix or MAC (OS X) Computer, please look into the “Heimdall” Software. This software is available on the internet, and designed to be used in these applications. This is a “Third-Party” application that is to be used at your » OWN RISK « !!!!

** IF ** You have »NEVER« used, or heard of, the “ODIN Software” before…. PLEASE READ the [/URL]Complete Guide to the Samsung ODIN v3.xx Options »FIRST« !!!!
**This Process can take up to ONE (1) Hour to complete!**

#1 Read »ALL« the Instructions carefully! Follow the steps as you work. You may want to »»PRINT«« a copy out for easy “Reference”.
#2 »»POWER«« the Device “OFF”
#3 »»REMOVE«« the »COVER« and »BATTERY« of the Device.

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««« Removal of Chip(s) Procedure »»»
»»PUSH IN«« gently, on the exposed flat »EDGE« of the chip to »»UNLOCK««. (You will hear a »TICK-TICK« sound, and the chip will pop »OUT« a bit.)
»»PULL OUT«« gently by »HOLDING« from the »SIDES« of the “Chip” to »»REMOVE««.
**DO NOT** Touch »ANY« of the “GOLD Contacts” on the Chip!!!!
(The Oil from your fingers will, eventually, cause the Contacts to lift off the chip! Killing the Chip!)
** CLEAN ** the “GOLD Contacts” gently with "Rubbing Alcohol" and a Q-Tip...If you »»TOUCH«« them!!

#4 »»REMOVE«« the SD-Card. (This is to protect your DATA!!)

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** IF ** You are attempting to »»REPAIR«« your Device due to Signal Issues, Phone Issues, or Quirks in Booting, or from Rooting, the Device....»»REMOVE«« the “SIM Chip” from the Device as well!!

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#5 »»REPLACE«« the Battery into the Device, and »»SECURE«« the back cover “ON”.

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#6 »»CONNECT«« the Device to a »CHARGER«. Preferably using a wall outlet (Faster Charging), with the Device "OFF". The Devices’ Battery »MUST« be @ 100% for this “Tutorial”. **** DO NOT **** Turn the Device "ON" !!!

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(Preferably you SHOULD use the OEM (Original) Power Block and "USB" cord that came with your device for these Procedures.But some good “AfterMarket” Blocks and USB Cords will work fine.)

** IF ** The Device “BOOTS” into “Recovery”, “ODIN”, or Starts up "Normally" @ this point, you will need to do a "Complete" »»REPAIR«« of the Device in the following “STEPS”. (Still charge to 100% in "Normal" operational Mode before Proceeding.)
**** The Device »WILL NOT« charge in “Recovery” or “ODIN” Modes!! ****

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**** While you wait for the Device to »»CHARGE«« ****
#7 »»CREATE«« a “Folder” on your Computer for you to keep »ALL« your “Work” files inside. (Anywhere on your PC that you will be able to remember, and find where it IS! I usually label the folder the Device model number. Ex "SCH-IXXX")

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*** PLEASE *** Feel free to message me for assistance in »»LOCATING««, or »»DOWNLOADING««, “TRUSTED Links” to the following Files! ;)

#8 »»DOWNLOAD«« “ODIN v3.xx” (Newest Revision), and »SAVE« the file into your “Work” folder.

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#9 »»DOWNLOAD«« an appropriate "Image File.tar.md5” for your Device, and »SAVE« the file into your “Work” folder.

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#10 Extract the "ODIN v3.xx.zip" and "Image File.tar.md5.zip” files in your “Work” folder. Also, make sure the “ODIN v3.xx.exe” and “Image File.tar.md5” are located in the »SAME« folder!!
** IF ** The files are not a ".zip" [Zipped] file, you can skip this »STEP«.

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**Verizon Wireless Devices**
In the Taskbar (Where the “Clock” is displayed)
»»Locate«« the RED Phone Icon for the "Software Update Assistant” (SUA). (The Icon may be hiding inside the "UP” Arrow on the left hand side of the small icons inside the Taskbar)

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»»Right-Click«« on the RED Phone Icon.
»»Left-Click«« on the "CLOSE" option.

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** IF ** The RED Phone Icon is NOT Located, Continue to (Step #11)!!!

#11 Once the Devices Battery is @ 100%. »»UNPLUG«« the Device from the wall outlet, and »»CONNECT«« the Device to a “USB” Port on the Computer. (Preferably, the “USB” Port should be “HIGH-SPEED” or USB 3.0.)
** IF ** You used the “USB” Port on the Computer to »»CHARGE«« the Device, then continue to the next step!!!

#12 »»PRESS~and~RELEASE«« the “HOME” Button. It should display a “Battery Icon” with 100% on the Screen..

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««« WARNING »»»
DO NOT PROCEED any further without the Battery @ 100%, Unless you are attempting to »»REPAIR«« a “Battery Guage” or “Charging” Issues!!!! »»»[/URL]​
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NOW you’re READY……….Let the FUN.....BEGIN!!!! ;)

Section 2: »»REPAIRING«« “Flashing”

««« This is an »ADVANCED« method to “FLASH\REPAIR” your Device to Factory Condition!! »EVERY« effort was made to simplify the “Procedures” for even a “Novice User” !!!! »»»


««« BootCamp Windows on a MAC (OS X) is OK!! »»»

*** PLEASE *** Make sure the back “Cover” is installed!!! The Battery »CANNOT« be »»REMOVED«« during this “Process”!!!

««« DO NOT REMOVE the “USB Cable” from the Device until INSTRUCTED !!! »»»

««« REMOVAL of the “USB Cable” from the Device can result in a »BRICKED« Device!!!! »»»


#1 Complete »ALL« of the steps in “Section #1 -- PREPARATION”.

#2 Place the Device into "ODIN" mode: »»PRESS~and~HOLD«« the "HOME" and "VOLUME DOWN" buttons simultaneously. Then »»PRESS~and~RELEASE«« the "POWER" button.

(The Device’s Screen should display a message about loading a "Custom OS")

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** IF ** This is »NOT« what you see on the Screen.....»»REMOVE«« the Battery, Count to TEN (10) and »»REPLACE«« the Battery, and Try Again! (STEP #2)

#3 »»PRESS~and~RELEASE«« the "VOLUME UP" key »ONE« (1) Time.
(The Device’s Screen should display a “Green Android Logo” and says "DOWNLOADING")

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** IF ** This is »NOT« what you see on the Screen.....»»REMOVE«« the Battery, Count to TEN (10), Then »»REPLACE«« the Battery and Try Again! (STEP #2)

** IF ** You see a Windows "Toast" (Pop-Up) that says it is "Installing Drivers". Please »» WAIT «« until it is completed, and says "Hardware is Ready for Use".

** IF ** You see a Windows "Toast" (Pop-Up) that says it needs to “Restart the Computer”, »»RESTART«« the Computer.

** IF ** You see a Windows "Toast" (Pop-Up) that says it is "Failed to Install Drivers\Software". Please »»UNPLUG«« the “USB” cable from the Device, »»RESTART«« the Computer, and »»RECONNECT«« the “USB” cable again. Once the Computer says that the Drivers were “Installed Successfully”, continue the “Tutorial” from »HERE«.

** IF ** You »CAN NOT« get the Drivers “Installed Successfully”, You will need to »»DOWNLOAD«« and »»INSTALL«« the latest Samsung Device Drivers, (»Left-Click« on the "YES" button if prompted by Windows to "ALLOW" the program to “Run as Administrator”)

#4 »»Locate«« the extracted file “ODIN v3.xx.exe”.

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#5 »»Right-Click«« on the file “ODIN v3.xx.exe”, a menu will appear.

** IF ** You are using Windows XP, You must be “Logged” into an “Administrator” account, and will want to »»Left-Click«« on “OPEN”

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** IF ** You are using Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1….You want to »»Left-Click«« “Run as Administrator”. (ALSO, »Left-Click« on the "YES" button if prompted by Windows to "ALLOW" the program to “Run as Administrator”!!)

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««« You should NOW see the ODIN Software Open on your Computer Screen. »»»

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#5 »»Left-Click«« on the “CSC” button.

#6 »»Locate«« the extracted file “Image File.tar.md5” inside the window that opens.

#7 »»Left-Click«« on the “OPEN” button.

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*** WAIT *** While the software checks the “Image File”. (It may appear to be “Not Responding”, but this is normal and should only last a minute or two!!)

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While ODIN is checking the “Image File”, there are a »FEW« choices that will need to be made!!!

*** PLEASE *** Read the followinghttp://www.droidforums.net/threads/guide-complete-samsung-odin-v3-xx-options.278159/#post-2584364’][COLOR=#b300b3[/URL]][GUIDE] Complete Samsung ODIN v3.xx Options [/COLOR], this way you understand the choices and “Options” you will be selecting!!

««« NOTICE »»»

Depending on The “Image File.tar.md5” that you have, The Device will either be »»UPGRADED««, or “Completely” »»RESET«« to Factory Defaults!! Make Sure you know Which one you have Downloaded, and Acquired, ahead of time!!!

#7 »»Left-Click«« on the »OPTIONS« check-boxes that you wish to use.

** IF ** You are simply trying to »»RELOAD«« or »»UPGRADE«« the “System” (OS) onto the Device, I recommend you use the “Auto Reboot”, “F. Time Reset”, and “Phone Bootloader Update” check-boxes.

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** IF ** You are trying to »»REPAIR«« or »»RESTORE«« the Device to “STOCK”, I recommend you use the “Auto Reboot”, “Re-Partition”, “F. Time Reset”, “Nand Erase All”, “Phone Bootloader Update”, and “Phone EFS Clear” check-boxes.

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#8 “Double Check”, and “Double-Double Check” »ALL« the “Options” you have selected, and that you have set the correct “Image File.tar.md5”, once you DO the next STEP there is NO going back!!

#9 »»Left-Click«« the "START" button, this will begin the »»FLASHING«« Process!!
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Section 3 -- “SETUP”

** WAIT ** Until the Device »»RESETS«« and shows the “Setup Wizard” on the Devices screen.

** WAIT ** Ten (10) Minutes till next step. This will allow the Device time to adjust and Program the “Modem” (Radios).

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#10 »»DISCONNECT«« the “USB” cable from the Device.
#11 »»SKIP«« thru the “Setup Wizard” prompts, and perform the “Reset Settings” option. This is located under \ APP Drawer \ Settings \ Accounts \ Backup and Reset \ Reset Settings

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** IF ** Your Device DOES NOT have this selection…..Proceed to the next step.

#12 Once the Device is @ the “HOME” screen, »»SELECT«« to perform a “Factory Data Reset” (FDR).

This is located under \ APP Drawer \ Settings \ Accounts \ Backup and Reset \ Factory Data Reset

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#13 After the (FDR) is complete, and you see the “Setup Wizard” on the Device display, Turn the Device "OFF".
#14 »»INSERT«« the “SD-Card”, and "SIM Chip” (If Removed), into the Device. Line up the chip with the “Socket”, »»PRESS IN«« gently on the “Edge” until it »Clicks« and “Locks” in place.
#15 Power the Device "ON".

** WAIT ** For TEN (10) mins once you see the “Setup Wizard” on the display..
** IF ** You are »»REPAIRING«« or returning to »STOCK«, please »CONTINUE« with the following “STEPS”.

** IF ** You are simply »UPGRADING« or »RELOADING« the Device, you are now »DONE« with this “Tutorial”!!

#15 Peform ONE (1) more “Factory Data Reset” (FDR).
#16 Setup your Device!!!


;) ««« KaosMaster »»» ;)


** IF ** Necessary, The “Standard” »»REPAIR«« procedure may need to been done ONE (1x) more time to »COMPLETLY« fix any »MODEM« (Radio) issues. Just use the Device for THREE (3) Days, then perform the “Standard” »»REPAIR«« procedure ONE (1x) time from the “Preparation” section @ the beginning of this “Tutorial” .
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Does ticking on the EFS box mess up my IMEI as I've read somewhere else? And if so, that only means problems setting my SIM account if I stick with Verizon as carrier but it is fine for an unlocked mobile to use abroad? I mean, I not in the States so I frankly don't care about the KNOX thing neither the warranty by any means.

Thank you so much!

If you are interested into my issue (which seems rather super interesting after numerous forums, a full week into it and more than 40 GB on downloaded ROMS)...

Behold, my mater puzzle:

Samsung Galaxy S3 SCH-I535 Verizon
Rooted with Towelroot while it was Jelly 4.3
Upgraded to Kitkat 4.4.2 with the Verizon Update Tool
Presented issues with apps (modifying icons into Android icons and the apps were couldn not open.
Suddenly deleted FB app and had to reinstall it.
Last issues with Whatsapp app not responding so having to reinstall and after it asked to uninstall Battery Doctor.
2 hours and then phone shut down and has been on a bootloop. Tried to factory reset when I could but the option didn't work.
Currently stuck in ODIN mode and nothing seems be able to get it out of the bootloop
Bootloop: turn on and restarts normally, Samsung GS3 icon, restarts again, recovery mode, android guy "updating" then "dead" android guy, restarts and again... and again.. and again.

Odin Mode reads:
Product name: SCH-I535
Current binary: Samsung Official
System Status: Official
Qualcomm Secureboot: Enable
Bootloader RP (or AP) SWREV: 2

I've been able to flash to different recovery images but doesn't change anything (more than not being able to get into the reset factory screen I so much long right now.

Recovery.img from root66 for my model
recovery.img from I535VRUDNE1 for my model and system.

While flashing the problems are the cache/system.img.ex4 which turn into --> Fail NAND Write!

And any other file or bootchain or bootloader fails at the slb1,2/aboot.mbn --> Fail Auth!

Heimdall no difference. Firmware missing .xml from the tar.md5 files so I made my own and again the problem are cache/system/img.ext4.

Jodin3 links all are dead.

This and finding the way to change my img.ext4 files into just -.img seems to be the only way but I can't get adb to write on my phone because it doesn't recognize it although ODIN and KIES 3 and Verizon Repair Tool does.

Also flashing the files (I have no idea what it means or how - more like- where do I flash them.

I've tried ODIN 3.07,9,10.
Different USB ports.
Restarting the phone and my computer several times.
The so-called "smashing" method to see if it was something physical.
"Massaged" my phone and nothing seems to work.
Btw, during the recovery "dead" android screen I have nothing written and more than 3 seconds to try all sort of key combinations but can't get the menu at all. If I long press the power button the phone won't do anything besides vibrating and until I release is that it shows the Samsung icon and everything restarts as described before (I held the buttons combinations for over 40 mins just to make sure it wasn't me not trying hard enough).

KaosMaster -- PLEASE any guidance or idea of what might be wrong will be gladly and cheerfully welcome!