I used over 15gigs this month, far and away the most I have ever used. I noticed that streaming the NFL red zone uses about a gig an hour (not exact, but as close as I could tell). So between streaming a couple hours of Thurs night football and a couple hours of red zone I burned a ton of data. Thank god I have unlimited data or that would have been a HUGE bill.
<tangent rant> I love how everyone is being pushed to use cloud based services to stream music, movies, etc, etc. This happened right around when all of the unlimited data plans were phased out. WTF, how on earth is anyone supposed to utilize these new features if everything is going to cost you data? And the fact that most of the games that I have on my phone almost always require a network connection, even more data being sent and received in the background. </end tangent rant> sorry about that, just needed to get that off my chest.