If the Verizon 4G LTE is comparable to the others 4G, then I could care less about it now. There are no services runing at true 4G speeds that I am aware of.
4G: Myth Vs. Reality - Technology News Story - WKMG Orlando
and a visual:
4G is a myth (and a confusing mess) - Dec. 1, 2010
Until such time the infrastructure and/or technology gets to the point it can deliver the rated speeds for 4G, then its all hype. :icon_ banana:
I opted for a 3G phone (Samsung Facinate) for this reason. I've been with Verizon for just over 3-4 weeks. The person I spoke to told me TRUE 4G speeds will not be around for at least a 18 months to 2 years, if then. By then I will be ready for anew phone anyways. So I opted to save my money and get a 3G phone.