How do you like the RAZR?


Nov 19, 2011
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I'm thinking of getting a RAZR but the biggest thing that concerns me is the battery. Have you guys found that its weird or a problem not being able to remove the battery? Other than that how do you guys like the device?
I love my RAZR! I thought it would just be OK over my old Droid, but it's night and day. I never used the removable battery on my OG, so I don't miss it, here. I also never used the slide out QWERTY after getting Swype, so again that's something I don't miss.

For best battery life, turn off 4G when you're not streaming videos or downloading and run 3G instead. That's about all I do to save battery (that and turn off WiFi when I'm not using it) and I get 15+ hours out of one charge very easily; I usually have 20-50% left when I plug in at night, depending on how hard I've been using it. If you need more tips, check out the Smart Actions thread. Bottom line: with a (very) little bit of forethought, the battery life on this beast can be incredible.
Depends on your usage, personally I don't have a problem with the non-removable battery you can always get an external battery pack, don't even use smart actions although I'm rooted and freezing bloatware and I have my display set to lowest setting with 15 sec. timeout, there are many things that you can customize with your settings(turn off haptic feedback, no live wallpapers, sync only on wifi, etc..), as mentioned above 4g is a battery killer along with display and continous background sync.
I wouldn't worry about the battery. Battery life is great for a 4g phone. As for it being non-removable, not an issue. Look at the iPhone, it's been years since it's been on the market and you don't hear many valid complaints about it.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I love my Razr. I got this phone with the intention of trading it in for the GN when it arrived. But after having it for a few weeks, I have made my mind that I will be keeping this phone.
The build quality is great, just like the OGD. I could care less about the non-removable battery...I never took my battery out of my OGD.

As far as battery life, I have been using Juice Defender and I must say that it helps out a lot, especially when you customize your settings. I have not tried Smart Actions since Juice Defender works for me. I was able to go all day yesterday (9:00am - 12:00am) and battery life around 35% when plugged back in. This was with moderate use, including phone calls, few vids on youtube (on 3g), checking email, lots of texting, and streaming from gmusic. I purchased my phone from Costco, so I also will be receiving their accessory pack that they offered. It includes an external battery pack and I will use that in a "just in case" moment.

Overall, I am VERY PLEASED with phone.
I love my Razr. Coming over from my OGD, this is obviously a major improvement. I've also had other devices on the side (X, X2, D2, Sammy Fascinate). I was one of the lucky few that got to put the Razr through its paces prior to its release. So yes I was loving this device even before its release (although the one that I was testing was beast compared to what I got during release).
And as far as issues with battery power... haven't had any as of yet.
I'm having a time with mine. Compared to x. X wins in camera. Speaker phone. Build. And battery. Very upset customer. Even with screen off and 3 g only I get six hours compared to x getting 9

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Love my razr and have been very impressed with battery! Not wierd at all not taking back off for battery pulls! In fact its a RELIEF!!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
The battery can be removed kinda easy. Question is who will make a spare battery for it?

My Droid X speaker must have been bad cuz my RAZR speaker is louder. Reception is on par or a lil better. Battery life for me isnt as bad as it is for some ppl. I can average at least 11-12 hours use. When I get in a better reception area I will do a battery test like I did with my DX1. On that I was able to do 29 hours with what I call moderate use: about an hours use of alot of things..screen on for 4 hours.

All n all I really like it. Interface, UI is nice. Smooth, no hiccups. Smoother than my DX1.
I love it! I get better battery life than my previous iPhone 4s. Call quality is great,very fast, data switching has improved since last update. It was an easy choice for me, good luck making yours.
I jusy bought my razr. I love it. The battery last longer than most 4g phones. I had the HTC Thunderbolt b4 my razr. Talk about a battery drain.. I had to get the bigger battery for it..
For my first two weeks in November, the battery life sucked.
Since then and with a number of full discharges back to full to full charges have improved battery life extensively. I have also been using Smart Actions extensively. Can't remember who it was but there was a thread on this about a month ago. Smart Actions, i.e. when I'm at home, work or bar I have solid WI-FI and turn off cellular data using a trigger of those WI-FI hot spots.

Thanks to the members who posted their Smart Actions. It has helped me immensely.
Love the RAZR. Came from the OG Droid but also had a Fascinate and Droid 3. I have not had any issues with the battery life yet. At least nothing that I can complain about. I just looked at my phone and I am now on 14 hours with 40% left. I would say that today was one of my moderate usage days too. Played a few games, made a few phone calls, played a few songs on Google Music, surfed the web. On the days that I really get into playing a lot of games and surfing the web I can get about 9 hours before I hit 30% which I don't think is too bad.
I love this phone. For the first two weeks, the battery life was abysmal. After learning everything about the phone and its version of Blur, I did a factory reset and everything has been awesome since. I mean, I do not even use Smart Actions and still get 12-14 hours of battery life.
I love mine....The hardest thing is deciding whether or not to put a case on this sexy phone!