How do you get Swype?


New Member
Aug 29, 2010
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I tried downloading it and set it up properly on my Incredible but it didn't work. It was the leaked beta version. Is Swype released yet? Is there any way I can get it now? I don't like qwerty keyboard and the T9 option sucks compared to the T9 I was used to on the DARE. I wish there was a T9 DARE keyboard app :( It really was that good. For now Swype looks like my only realistic hope for fast texting. Help!
sorry its still in beta. just check out teh website ( i believe) to stay up to date with thats happening
Take a look at SlideIT in the market. Very similar to Swype. If you go to the Hacks section of the forum I think they have the Swype apk taken from the Droid X which may work for you.
Alright thanks for the info guys! :)

Edit: LifeIsABeach I downloaded SlideIT and it was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
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