I searched the forums, but can't come up with a solid answer. I basically want my phone to be receiving data at all times so I instantly know when a new email comes in. I also like surfing the web, so right now I am connected to my WiFi connection at home. I went into the advanced settings as directed by another thread and selected that my phone "never" disconnect from the WiFi connection which is great when I am home. However, when I leave the connection range, I want the phone to be smart enough to then switch over to 3G automatically. I tested this before. I was connected to my WiFi connection and all is well. I then drove away some distance and when to use my phone, it showed the phone dropping the WiFi connection and then I opened my browser and got the could not load the page error. However, then my 3G connection kicked in as I was ok again. Basically, I had to use my phone to get it to realize it needed to switch back over to 3G. Obviously, I wouldn't be receiving email updates during this period. Is there anyway to make it do this transparently in the background? I love the phone, but this is kind of annoying me. I also did the little things like force data push. Let me know, thanks.