How Do I cancel an upload?


Nov 8, 2009
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I have a video that I wanted to try and upload via Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, Verizon's coverage is so bad at my home that i have this video "awaiting wi-fi" for 2 days now I would like to cancel this, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What app are ou using to upload or what service are you uploading too?
I was trying to upload it to You Tube and it said it was too large to upload via the phone and had to be uploaded via wi-fi, so I tried that when i got home and now it just says waiting for wi-fi and I can not kill it. I can pause it, but I would like to just get it off of there.
OK, easy fix. In the list of uploading videos touch and hold your finger on the video. You will get an option to cancel the upload.
Yeah, that was it, I finally figured that out, thanks for the help.
and easy way is to go into the download screen and hit the menu button and select cancel download. then u can remove all from the browser cache.