How do Apps work?


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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I read that apps do not save to your SD card. If this is true where do they save? I wouldn't think they would save on ROM or RAM, thats mostly system and TEMP memory and doesn't have enough space for a 3D game or big app. Can anyone explain to be how app running and savng works?
So a 1 gig 3D Game will never work with the dare? That is dissapointing.
to be quite honest i dont know of any game that would honestly take up that much space...

a game of that size would easily cost you 40 or 50 bucks(if not more) and i dont think anyone in their right mind would pay that amount for a phone video game.
So a 1 gig 3D Game will never work with the dare? That is dissapointing.

If you are talking about the Droid (and not the Dare) there is supposedly a fix being worked on to allow you to save apps to the SD card. There are a few threads about it around.
So a 1 gig 3D Game will never work with the dare? That is dissapointing.

If you are talking about the Droid (and not the Dare) there is supposedly a fix being worked on to allow you to save apps to the SD card. There are a few threads about it around.

Google is currently developing a way to store applications on the SD card in the AOSP (Android Open Source Project). On my TMobile G1 I was able to store applications on my SD card since it was rooted and developers had figured out a way to do this efficiently using the right SD card.

Should be interesting to see what Google comes up with, BUT to answer your question... As of right now there is currently no Apps2SD solution for the Droid.