homescreen icons disappearing


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Every once in a while, when I go to move icons on my homescreens, they just disappear. I found that they are actually relocating to a folder I have on one of my screens, but it is annoying none the less. I have to restart the phone for it to start behaving again, and I can move icons. More of a bug report than a question I guess, but I was hoping someone might have some insight into the problem.
mine does this ALL THE TIME. I'm on my 2nd droid (warranty replacement) and it does it just as much as the first one I had.
Seriously guys, your comments and concerns can't apply towards a phone that isn't out yet. This section of the forum is for a phone that we know will be released in the near future, not for those who are on their second droid.