Home Screen


New Member
Sep 20, 2010
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I was playing around with my wallpaper and somehow lost the original home screen that was on my Droid Incredible which showed time; weather; internet; messages & mail on the home screen. Somehow I was able to get that screen back except for the weather. Can someone tell me how to get local weather back on my home screen.

Also, every time I want to post I have to go to the new member screen and click on post new thread. Is there another way. I am registered.

Thanks to a very lost Droid owner

I was playing around with my wallpaper and somehow lost the original home screen that was on my Droid Incredible which showed time; weather; internet; messages & mail on the home screen. Somehow I was able to get that screen back except for the weather. Can someone tell me how to get local weather back on my home screen.

open you app drawer select the widget/app (weather/news) and long press. You will need to enter your zip, in the settings, for local weather.

Also, every time I want to post I have to go to the new member screen and click on post new thread. Is there another way. I am registered.

Go the the section that you wish to add a post, say general discussion, and in the left you will see start thread. Click and enter you post.

Thanks to a very lost Droid owner


Hope this is helpful