Hey hey new droider here


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
Name is Mark. I like to walk on the beach barefoot, watch scary movies with all of the lights on in the house (during the day), mess around with phones and shoot animals to eat them! Just got my droid last week (rocked an iPhone for a year and a half) and just rooted it last night using easy root. Any ideas, tips, criticism, advice or just a bro hug send me a message. I'm new to this Android scene so im not up on the ROM's, kernal talk so fill me in!

Having come from a 3gs myself, i can confirm that this is easily the right decision. i like keeping my phone stock for the most part, but i do overclock. there are plenty of graphical tweaks available in the market and elsewhere that change the overall appearance of the phone. However, there are plenty of custom roms that are awesome if that is your thing. Good luck, and again, welcome.
thanks pal! main things I want to do with mine is have the sense UI on it. I figured out the wifi tethering using barnacle (less hassel then wifi tethering app). Other then that, jibberish LOL