"Hey Google"!!! Is the new spam


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Sitting back watching some tv and a Google commercial comes on. The commercial says the hot word and next thing you know not only is it playing the song that was requested but it was cranked up at the request of the commercial. Now this is not the first time I notice a commercial attempt this as pizza commercials use the Alexa hot word to achieve the same effect.

So now commercials are taking advantage of this I am now waiting for the first lawsuit when a pizza shows up to a person's door and they refuse to pay because the order was made by the commercial.

In all seriousness I can see more commercials try and take advantage of assistant devices not to make unauthorized purchases but to send people to their site.
there are too many steps in the skills to order pizza from pizza hut on the alexa. you can set up a pin number so nobody can order from amazon. you can use voice recognition where only specific family members can order using google home.

If there are any lawsuits, it is only because the person did not know how to setup their alexa/google home properly.
there are too many steps in the skills to order pizza from pizza hut on the alexa. you can set up a pin number so nobody can order from amazon. you can use voice recognition where only specific family members can order using google home.

If there are any lawsuits, it is only because the person did not know how to setup their alexa/google home properly.

Agree. But in the hot coffee lawsuit world that opens the grounds for such a suit. Not everyone who gets a Google Home or an Alexa is tech savvy, especially with both Google and Amazon putting out cheaper versions of their products as well as many third party companies building devices (Zolo Mojo Review: Google Home Mini gets a sound upgrade for the same price) more people are getting assistant devices for them or their loved ones. So when someone who out of the box follows the prompts to set up the device (ie like a non tech savvy grandparent) and now they are upset because they about had a heart attack after Google just used the hot word to crank up a song (a more likely scenario than the pizza showing up) who is to be held accountable?

Now I agree with you @me just sayin the likelihood of items being bought racking up unwelcome charges are slim. But the cranking up of the tv or playing an artist song you didn't want is a likely scenario. And I must admit it startled me when I wasn't paying attention and all of a suddenly my little mini is awaken and cranking up the music. I can imagine what it would do to someone with a heart condition lol.

I'm calling it now, "Alexa/Google Assistant caused heart attack" being a future story.
I would be a liar if I said I was never startled by alex or google home. but it has been few and far between and it actually has gotten better. though I still cannot watch the tv series Castle without alexa going off every time he called his daughter.

I do agree people are suing for anything these days and so many of those lawsuits are based on lies. Like that kid who ordered something through alexa that cost 160 bucks, I am not convinced it actually happened.

I also agree that too many people are ordering alexa and google home without having the slightest idea of what they are doing. Recently in another forum a person griped and complain about not getting a certain radio station on one service so they sent their dot back. they could have gotten that radio station on another alexa compatible service but they did not want to listen. Lately it has been hard to help out in that forum without copping an attitude toward some.