Verizon continues the shock and awe advertising campaign with a new magazine ad in the latest issue of Sports Illustarted. Similar to the very first Droid TV commercial, it's aimed directly at the iPhone and what it "doesn't" have or do. CNet takes it a bit further and believes this could be a personal attack on the King Apple, Steve Jobs. Could the title be words used in latest of ongoing negotiations between the two companies trying to create a new relationship.
"This is a world of “nope,” “nuh-uh,” and “sorry, Charlie.”
A world of smiling denial. Petty tyrannies that have made their way into our cell phones. Into the very way we choose to speak to another human being. There are dozens of doesn’ts. Doesn’t allow customization. Doesn’t run multiple apps. Doesn’t allow you to swap out batteries. doesn’t allow open development. These arrogant little devices are barely worth more than the pocket link they rest upon. Because now there’s a phone so smart, so strong. So subservient to its user, it refuses to include “doesn’t” in its dictionary app.
In a world of doesn’t. Droid Does.
Verizon must be on iPhone forums searching for complaints made by members, because they certainly hit the nail right on the head by addressing what iPhone doesn't have or do. Is it time for AT&T to fight back with a similar commercial to auto-focus (or not) on the Droid's weakness? Is this a good approach for Verizon to take? Let us know your thoughts..