Hey everyone


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
New York, US
Hey everyone, my names Ian. Ive been somewhat firmiliar with android devices for quite awhile now, having family employed at VZW but ive owned my own for about 3 months now. I currently have the HTC Evo 4G, and im not to firmiliar with the whole "rooting" thing but i may be interested. Any questions or just wanna droid talk PM me anytime :)
Welcome to the community plenty of conversations to join here and if you want to root read a lot before hand so you have an idea of what not to do when rooting. i learned a lot about rooting and customizing the android phones here. CJ has some good info there tho. The offtopic forum is full of talk literally about almost anything you want. Dive in and enjoy Ian
So many possibilities once you root your phone. You unlock the true power of the device then and can custmoize to almost anything you want. I rooted and dont plan on looking back
welcome to the forum!! glad to hear you're thinking of joining the darkside ;)
Im just not to firmiliar with all the tech-talk on the forums and thats what kinda scares me to try it.

Anywhere you suggest to get good info on it?