

Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I updated to the new Superuser Permission 2.3 but it will only fc so I can't flash any of the recoveries, restore backups or do anything that requires root. I tried "fix permissions" and reinstalling 2.3. ????
I updated to the new Superuser Permission 2.3 but it will only fc so I can't flash any of the recoveries, restore backups or do anything that requires root. I tried "fix permissions" and reinstalling 2.3. ????

reboot into recovery and reflash the rom or a different super user apk and su binary. I'm assuming you used rom manager for all of this so you will have to search for the rom in your clockworkfolder when your in recovery.
How do I reboot into recovery with CM since I can't use ROM Manager? Edit: once I get into CM recovery what do I choose to get to the right folder? Edit once again...I found the right folder's restoring now...I hope!!
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So, I got to advanced restore in CM recovery, chose the restore I wanted and chose restore system (I didn't know whether I should choose restore system, data or what). It said it was done but it rebooted to exactly the same thing as before I did this. I'm sure I'm totally off base here....once again doing droid things way too late.
So, I got to advanced restore in CM recovery, chose the restore I wanted and chose restore system (I didn't know whether I should choose restore system, data or what). It said it was done but it rebooted to exactly the same thing as before I did this. I'm sure I'm totally off base here....once again doing droid things way too late.

don't restore anything. just reflash the rom. If you get the same thing then wipe data and reinstall the rom. The rom is most likely in clockworkmod/download/froyoroms or or something. anywho.. off to bed.. good luck.
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