Help with setCPU


Nov 18, 2009
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i've learned a lot on this forum but sometimes i'm still lost. i downloaded setCPU but am very confused about what settings to use. i'm running 0.8.4 and am about to update to 1.0.0 i am using kernal i am just not grasping the kernal. overclocking, cpu thing at all. anyone help an old dog (56) learn new tricks? thanks
thats a big reason why i'm discouraged. that's where i started and i'm still confused
thats a big reason why i'm discouraged. that's where i started and i'm still confused

Ok, lets break it down then into smaller parts. Start listing off your questions and lets get them answered for you.
-do i need a different kernal?
-what do you base kernal selection on?
-in setCPU i'm having trouble establishing a profile-getting my choices saved. I make a selection, say charging/full and hit 'save' i then go back and go to 'charging a/c', make a choice and then hit save but i've then lost my first selection. how do i continue with each selection within the same profile. sorry, hope this makes some kind of sense.

let me get to this point and then i'm sure other questions will rise
-do i need a different kernal?
-what do you base kernal selection on?
-in setCPU i'm having trouble establishing a profile-getting my choices saved. I make a selection, say charging/full and hit 'save' i then go back and go to 'charging a/c', make a choice and then hit save but i've then lost my first selection. how do i continue with each selection within the same profile. sorry, hope this makes some kind of sense.

let me get to this point and then i'm sure other questions will rise

1) Kernel selection is based on what you are trying to accomplish. Lets start out simple. Use releases:sapphire-1.0.0 [CVPCS Sapphire Wiki] and select 7x125-1000LV. Or if you want you can install the newly released Sapphire 1.0.0 and it comes with that kernel to start.

2) Lets do a step by step:
a) Open SetCPU
b) Press the "Profiles" tab in the top left area.
c) Press "Add Profile"
d) Change the settings to what you want.
e) Move the "Priority" slider to the proper slot you want the profile to be stored.
f) Save.

Repeat steps "c" thru "f" for each setting you need. And you should try to make each profiles priority unique.
okay, i am going to get 1.0.0 as soon as i get a good charge. i already downloaded it and the google apps 1.0.0 but haven't done anything with it yet. as far as the profile, i was thinking i was supposed to set each parameter and have them all set in what i might label as 'profile 1'. i went thru what you said and each one did get saved to profile. i;m not sure what to enable or notifications are for but i'm sure its in the 'overclocking 101.
I shouldn't need any other kernal then right. at least til i learn more about this?
well i got my profiles set and copying the settings shown in 'overclocking 101' seemed like a good place to start. in advanced settings i went with the 62500,80,0,0 that was discussed. i'm not sure if i will relate a resulting action of the droid and realize what changes i would like to change but at least i now know how to set it. i just rebooted and it looks like everything is in place. i very much appreciate all you help