I think the tb is the best 4G phone currently. The revo looks like it might be a bit of a dud and might not get much love from the dev community due to the lack of popularity. Surprisingly, the Charge is picking up a following, due to Samsung giving out its phone to devs and also being that the phone is building a community now ( consisting of mainly pissed tb users who got.tired of reboots and poor battery life).
You can wait for the Bionic, which is going to knock the socks off of anything out right now, especially since it looks like Moto might unlock it. But if you are afraid of tiers, as I was, get the tb or the charge. Watching HBO Go and streaming Pandora on my way to work on 4G, I can tell you that I'm going to pass that would he cap limit of 5gb. On my d1, I would get 750mb tops a month. It's a whole different game with LTE.
This threads just been BAMFed!