Help with e-mail?


New Member
Mar 29, 2010
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I have the original Motorola Droid and have been using g-mail to push multiple e-mail accounts through to my phone. It's worked well so far but my company recently switched our work e-mail accounts over to comcast. I have added my comcast address to g-mail and the e-mails are flowing through to my phone. My problem is that as soon as I simply open a comcast e-mail on my phone to read it, it deletes it from my comcast account. Meaning, if I ever try to use comcast's webmail access to view my e-mails for work, they aren't there. They seem to be kept in the g-mail account just fine. I just like having the option of logging into comcast's webmail access on occasion so I can quickly find important e-mails.

I checked my g-mail settings and that account appears to be set up just like the other accounts I have been pushing through g-mail. All of the other accounts work fine. Meaning, I can receive the e-mail on my phone and read it and the e-mail still stays not only on my g-mail, but also on the account that's being pushed through g-mail.

Any thoughts or tips to help me figure out why my comcast e-mails are deleting as soon as I view them on my phone? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
When you access the comcast email on your computer does it delete the email?
If I don't view the e-mail on my phone and then log into the comcast account, the e-mail will still be there. But then if I view the e-mail on my phone it deletes it from the comcast account. It's weird because my boss is using his comcast account with his Moto Droid and he's not having the issue.
Sounds like the email app is set to delete after reading. What email app are you using?
Try K-9 Mail instead of gmail for your company account, I think you will like it for Comcast
On my phone I'm just using the g-mail app to view all my e-mails. It's not deleting any of the other e-mails from other accounts.

The comcast webmail client is called Smart Zone Communication Center. I have gone into my e-mail preferences and under "Schedule E-Mail Deletion" I have the Inbox, Sent and Deleted folders set to "Never."
Try K-9 Mail instead of gmail for your company account, I think you will like it for Comcast

I tried k9 very briefly right after I got my phone but just went with the g-mail app instead. Maybe I'll try it again and see if that somehow fixes the problem.
Hey guys. I just figured it out. I started to set up my k9 app and I started digging through my gmail settings for my different accounts. Just realized that for the comcast account I did not have "Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server" checked. So I have checked it and I figure that should fix everything. Thanks for leaning me in the right direction.
I've been looking at my settings. I thought one of the email apps had a setting that after reading the message was deleted. I'm unable to locate. At this point, I'm not sure how to advise, sorry.
