New Member
Ok, I am a little new to this so if I am approaching this entirely the wrong way, feel free to let me know. I rooted my DX in February and have not had any of the updates since then. I would like to update it to the newest version there is this phone but am a bit confused as to how to go about this. My Phone information is this:
Android version: 2.2.1
Baseband Version: BP_C_01.09.17P
Kernel version:
Build #: VZW
I am running Liberty 2.0.1 ROM and I seen i the ROM manager that there is an update for it, but I need to be in gingerbread first. So my question is this, I see several people saying I need to SBF back to factory 2.2.1, then forward to 2.3.340. (Not sure the exact process but I think I could figure that out) but if I do it this way, then I will loose my root. Is there a way to do this without having to SBF back to factory? I am a bit confused by the different directions given on various sites.
I have Titanium Backup and have already backed up my entire SD card and I think the phone, but I am not sure.
Android version: 2.2.1
Baseband Version: BP_C_01.09.17P
Kernel version:
Build #: VZW
I am running Liberty 2.0.1 ROM and I seen i the ROM manager that there is an update for it, but I need to be in gingerbread first. So my question is this, I see several people saying I need to SBF back to factory 2.2.1, then forward to 2.3.340. (Not sure the exact process but I think I could figure that out) but if I do it this way, then I will loose my root. Is there a way to do this without having to SBF back to factory? I am a bit confused by the different directions given on various sites.
I have Titanium Backup and have already backed up my entire SD card and I think the phone, but I am not sure.