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No apps is not your problem I have a least 45 I have no problem with memory I am rooted and my rom always has 50 mb of memory free I'm pretty sure it means virtual memory that what your cpu runs off of maybe to many thing running at once try force stoping some apps from settings
run into that problem was a bad install of pandora. uninstalled and reinstalled and no problems since. read where others have had this problem too with different apps....may just have to uninstall one at a time til you find the culprit.
I have advanced task killer....this is running *clock* *messages* and *advanced task killer* ... Widgets? Umm none that I know of?? No music...couple youtube vids, 4 or 5 games...not any where near 45
how many sms and mms do you have saved up in your inbox/outbox? that really used to be the biggest thing to take up memory. i haven't seen that case with these phones tho. for only having a few apps installed you sure have little internal memory left. i'd try uninstalling then reinstalling apps one at a time and see if you find a difference. if you can pinpoint the specific app, i'd write to the dev for that app and constructively criticize.
ok I do have ALOT of txts....Havent erased much since I bought it like 4 or 5 months ago...but when I go to delete a txt thread or w.e its called with 1 individual, it literally takes like multiple minutes to delete no matter if its 10msgs or 700msgs
Also I used to think I had some sort of virus or something on it cause it would do WEIRD stuff like
*When its charging I CANT txt or its a pain in the butt! If I was to type "Hey whats up!?" as soon as I space from "y" to start the "w" on "whats" it will move the cursor like in-between the "e" and "y" or "H" and "e" ... Sounds stupid but thats what it does constantly even after you get the cursor back where you want it. A letter or 2 later and it randomly goes to previous typed text.
* Stuffs been having to be Forced Closed more noticeably
* Sometimes randomly its LAAAAAAAAGGGGGGYYYYYY just to type+send a text
The last 2^ could be due to the memory issue if there anything like computers..