

New Member
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score

Just added my second Motorola device and first Motorola cell phone. Have hadd a Zoom WiFi table for 8 months or so and just added a Droid Razr Maxx this week. I am very impressed with the speed of the phone but must admit I am not finding the battery to live up to what I expected or what others are claiming. I can get a full 17 to 18 hours out of the battery with moderate usage but expected more given the battery size. I am coming from and HTC Evo 4G and had a 3500ma extended battery on it and don't find the Moto to be any better given the comparable battery sizes. I have only had it 2 days so I am hoping it is going to take a few charging cycles before I start seeing better life... fingers crossed.
Welcome to Droid Forums!! We are happy to have you.

And as far as battery life is concerned I can not say I have been following the stats on the Max but to me 17-18 hours sounds great for an android device. Someone else would have to post in here to verify how you are doing in comparison to others with the same phone.
Hello and welcome!! Congrats on the Maxx!