My name is Ashley, though I am often referred to as Ashi, and I have a small obsession with swapping cell-phones.
(Okay, small might be an understatement!)
To date I have had the Eris, Motorola Droids 1&2, Droid X, and LG Ally. (The Devour perked my interested for about a week until I realized it was garbage, and I have no interest in the Global because I can't use the keyboard.) Before then I was a Blackberry Storm girl... but I try not to look back on my bad cellphone choices. Er... disappointments...

I'm basically here to learn from other users, and to offer what knowledge I have gathered along the way!
Anyone wishing to Droid banter, message away. Cell-phones are a subject I am very well versed in.

Also, in the time I am not blathering senselessly about cell phones and how to work them, I'm a chef... and I am ALWAYS looking for good food related apps!