Hello World


Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all, my names Jordin. I've been a android addict for over a year now, starting with the G1. Personally, I love that phone and I still have it activated right now with T-mobile. However, I've just recently gotten a job at Verizon and had the opportunity (actually, they forced me to get a PDA so I just took the better option :D) to get a moto droid. I actually just got it tonight, and its still not actually activaited... woo!

There are some things I'd really like to be able to do with the Droid that I didn't want to do with the G1. Namely, theming/skinning. The ahome/pandahome/openhome app idea was good, but it runs too slow, so I would love to get into theming. So if any of you have any good places to start with that, please send them my way!! I just never wanted to mess with it on the G1. It was already running Cyanogen and booting apps off the SD card and running rather slow. With the new, advancedness of the Droid I'm excited to mess with it :p

Also guys like I said I work with Verizon (I'm an indirect agent, not a direct agent) so if you guys have questions/problems about their service I'll try to help out :)

:motdroidhoriz::heart::icon_ banana:
welcome to the machine! check out the hacks forum.. you are welcome ;)
Whoo!! I just booted up the droid for the first time and connected to wifi. Totally glad that I can do basically everything but make calls and SMS messages with out actual service. I forgot that the android phones could do this :)
Heya! Seems like theming is only really just getting seriously underway (I've seen a few metamorph themes and a few custom roms when you're ready to take the plunge and root. For instance, check out Glass ) I'm pretty new to android and just starting to poke around the options myself.

Until then, check out sweeterhome beta at SweeterHome - Start - sweeterhome.com (allows for a huge degree of homescreen customization once you get to know it.) Beautiful Widget clock/weather just became skinnable today as well. I'm personally running home++ as my home replacement, and it'll take a lot to drag me away from it. Slidescreen is also drawing some attention (I'm using this as a data aggregator, but it's a unique home replacement as well.)

Anyways, suggestions from a relative newb, but have fun and good luck!
Heya! Seems like theming is only really just getting seriously underway (I've seen a few metamorph themes and a few custom roms when you're ready to take the plunge and root. For instance, check out Glass ) I'm pretty new to android and just starting to poke around the options myself.

Until then, check out sweeterhome beta at SweeterHome - Start - sweeterhome.com (allows for a huge degree of homescreen customization once you get to know it.) Beautiful Widget clock/weather just became skinnable today as well. I'm personally running home++ as my home replacement, and it'll take a lot to drag me away from it. Slidescreen is also drawing some attention (I'm using this as a data aggregator, but it's a unique home replacement as well.)

Anyways, suggestions from a relative newb, but have fun and good luck!

I was just kinda messing around with ahome, and pandahome this morning. With out having service ATM, messing with apps is about all I can do right now lol. But what I noticed is that almost all the themes on there aren't really Droid compatible. They all look streatched to compensate for it's high resolution. So I'm wondering what it is that you're using that would look decent on it. (So far, I also noticed it to be slower then with out it running.) ahome, however, wouldn't even open it just kept force closing until I hard reset the phone :icon_eek:

What I would like to find is a hero rom I could run on the droid, or just one that /looks/ like the hero rom. I just like the larger drawer tab. Too bad no one has figured out a way to put HTC sence on the Droid, because it adds a lot of nice, unique features to Android.