Having Difficulties Unlocking Bootloader. TrustZone Write Failed


New Member
Jul 27, 2013
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I have the XT907 running rooted 4.1.2 OS on system build 19.15.66.XT907.Verizon.en.US. I've used a few different tools to get it to work. The pushed app Motopocalypse doesn't seemingly have an effect. The phone still shows "locked."

This is the error I keep getting with the Windows controlled Motopocalypse program:

TrustZone Write Failed -11

[*] Motopocalypse: Motorola bootloader unlock script (Windows version)
[*] v1.0
[*] by Dan Rosenberg (@djrbliss)
[*] Supports the Motorola Razr HD, Razr M, Razr Maxx HD, and Atrix HD.
[*] Before continuing, ensure that your device has been rooted and you have
[*] a working "su" installation, that USB debugging is enabled, that you
[*] have the latest Motorola drivers installed, and that your phone
[*] is connected via USB.
[*] WARNING: This will permanently void the warranty on your device. This
[*] is not reversible. I am not responsible for any damage to your phone
[*] as a result using this tool.
[*] Press enter to root your phone...
Press any key to continue . . .
[*] Waiting for device...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
[*] Device found.
[*] Pushing unlock tool...
1780 KB/s (38280 bytes in 0.021s)
[*] Unlocking phone...
[+] TrustZone target address resolved to 2a020a02
[-] TrustZone write failed: -11.
[*] Cleaning up...
[*] Unlocking complete. Rebooting into bootloader mode.
[*] Press enter once the phone has rebooted into bootloader mode.
Press any key to continue . . .
[*] Displaying bootloader variables:
version-bootloader: 109B(*)
product: smq
secure: yes
mid: 0058
version: 0.5
qe: qe 1/1
unlocked: no
iswarrantyvoid: no
max-download-size: 31457280
emmc-size: 8GB
reason: Reboot to bootloader
revision-hardware: 0x82A0
cpu: MSM8960 CS
uid: DAE42B0902000100000000000000
cid: 0x02
finished. total time: 0.018s
[*] Press enter to reboot and exit.
Press any key to continue . . .

Am I using the incorrect tools or am I out of luck?

Thanks in advance.
you must have taken the recent update which patched the exploit/hole it the trust zone.
this can not be undone, therefore you can no longer unlock.
sorry :(

*hands Mom phone to talk to Sister*

Mom: Hey Louie, I'm going to start this update...

mosraw: Wait, let me check...

Mom: Oops, I already clicked it...

*reads posts*

*falls to knees*

hello my high tech friends
this is the old man with a bit of info on this recent motorola bootloader key leak.
i got the pics off twitter and started playing with them trying to unlock bootloader on my razr maxx.
the unusal thing instead of the usual "illegal enternal command" i get a simple "more?".
i dont know if this means anything but i thought it was worth sharing sure makes me wonder about the whole "hoax" thing.
hope this useful in some way.
the old man
hello my high tech friends
this is the old man with a bit of info on this recent motorola bootloader key leak.
i got the pics off twitter and started playing with them trying to unlock bootloader on my razr maxx.
the unusal thing instead of the usual "illegal enternal command" i get a simple "more?".
i dont know if this means anything but i thought it was worth sharing sure makes me wonder about the whole "hoax" thing.
hope this useful in some way.
the old man
can we see them