Ive had my Droid X for a while now and really love it, but lately Ive been having trouble with the GPS. About a month ago I couldnt get a GPS signal at all, I actually left my phone on my lawn for an hour to see if it would pick up a signal and it just kept searching. I cleared out all of the data from all my apps, then did a factory restet and the gps was reliable for about 3 weeks. Then on monday I opened the GPS and it closed itself as soon as I opened it. I thought nothing of it, opened it back up gps worked fine. The next day I was driving and all the sudden lost gps signal, about 2 miles later it came back, and worked fine for the rest of the day. I cleared out all the data on the phone again, turned the gps off used my app killer to close everything, then did a battery pull. it worked good until today. Today I was driving I lost GPS signal and it wouldnt come back no matter what I tried. I cleared data, pulled battery, un installed updates then reinstalled them, finally I got desperate and did a factory reset still no GPS. What can I do?