Anyone know why it takes up to 20 minutes sometimes before my GPS finally kicks in (i.e. using Google Navigator)?
It's a completely blue sky day here and Google Navigator sat at the 'searching for GPS' for 20 minutes before it found them.
(Yes, I had my GPS radio enabled during that time)
Anyone else seeing this?
Could it be a function of the new ROM (Hexen) I put on recently?
It used to only take a few seconds...
Sent from my HeXenated DROID2 GLOBAL
It's a completely blue sky day here and Google Navigator sat at the 'searching for GPS' for 20 minutes before it found them.
(Yes, I had my GPS radio enabled during that time)
Anyone else seeing this?
Could it be a function of the new ROM (Hexen) I put on recently?
It used to only take a few seconds...
Sent from my HeXenated DROID2 GLOBAL