GPS not find exact location


New Member
Jan 5, 2010
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I dont know if anyone is experiencing the same thing as i am, but when i open the GPS it doesnt find my exact location it just show a approx location, the blue dot in the middle den the circle around it, before it cud pinpoint where i was, now it cant, and i do have the setting to turn on the sats on, also just keeps searching for directions and doesnt show.
Try downloading an app called GPS Status from the Market. It calibrates your GPS so you get more precise readings. I had the same problem as you, but now my GPS is always spot on. :)
I'm having this same problem. It's extremely annoying when I load Cardio Trainer and it says I'm 3 states away, in a state I've never been in with my phone. I think it has to do with toggling the GPS On/Off. Only fix I've found is rebooting the phone. I'm going to try this GPS Status though, thanks for that tip.
GPS can be effected by a number of different factors. At best most GPS units are only accurate to within 50 feet or so.

The GPS signal is also easily blocked. For instance if you're indoors the accuracy is going to go down a lot. (Older GPS units couldn't even get a signal indooors at all!)

Make sure you also have the option to use Wireless Networks turned on as well. It uses a database of wifi locations, and the cell phone tower locations to help pinpoint your location.