

Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hello community,

I have two gmail accounts, one personal, and one professional. I have both accounts linked to my droid phone and can switch to either one easily. The problem I am having is when I want use the Google Talk, it's linked to my professional gmail account. I signed off Google talk, but it keeps signing back on linking to my professional gmail account. There's no sign in area, and there's no way to change the googletalk to my personal email. Can anyone help on this?

let me know if you find it out
I have the same problem!
Gmail as a professional account?
I had the same problem and only came up with one solution. I went to settings, privacy and factory data reset. It sucks but it restores everything to factory settings, then I made the primary account the one I wanted affiliated with google talk. Everything on the sd card is saved but you have to make sure your contacts are synced and write down all the apps you downloaded. All in all it only took me about a half an hour to get it back to normal.
Wow, I didn't realize I had already created a thread for this. I wished we had the capacity to delete threads. But I created a much detailed thread of my problem. You can check it here. Sadly, no one has given any feedback. I guess I'm the only fool to have done this.
