I don't know when the last time you looked at your D1 and double checked that number. That changed about a year ago. It's been the random number thing for some time now.
I don't know when the last time you looked at your D1 and double checked that number. That changed about a year ago. It's been the random number thing for some time now.
The last time I look at my D1 was 30 seconds ago when I made another call. Same forwarding number: 347-xxx-2000. It seems there are more questions we don't have the answer than we realize.
I've used GV since it first became available. My experience is that I'd get different forwarding numbers for different numbers I call. In other words, I'd get the same forwarding # when I make a call to a specific number. If I call a different #, then I'd get a different forwarding #. So, you're half right. Try calling a totally different number, and I bet you'd get a different forwarding #. From having implemented/repaired/configured VoIP systems over the past 10 yrs, I'm guessing that GV "assigns" an unused land-line number from its pool of available numbers to the number you're calling. That forwarding # will get changed if it's busy (in use by another GV user). Otherwise, it's associated with the specific number you're dialing. Skype, Vonage, and cable modem telephony work similarly.
I don't know when the last time you looked at your D1 and double checked that number. That changed about a year ago. It's been the random number thing for some time now.
The last time I look at my D1 was 30 seconds ago when I made another call. Same forwarding number: 347-xxx-2000. It seems there are more questions we don't have the answer than we realize.
As far as my D1 is concerned, I am correct that the very same forwarding number is used for all calls. Can I assume it is the case for all other D1 users? Not any more after I read hookbill's response. By the way, I have two other D1 and they all behave the same way (they use different forwarding number but remain the same for all outbound calls at the phone.).
I've used GV since it first became available. My experience is that I'd get different forwarding numbers for different numbers I call. In other words, I'd get the same forwarding # when I make a call to a specific number. If I call a different #, then I'd get a different forwarding #. So, you're half right. Try calling a totally different number, and I bet you'd get a different forwarding #. From having implemented/repaired/configured VoIP systems over the past 10 yrs, I'm guessing that GV "assigns" an unused land-line number from its pool of available numbers to the number you're calling. That forwarding # will get changed if it's busy (in use by another GV user). Otherwise, it's associated with the specific number you're dialing. Skype, Vonage, and cable modem telephony work similarly.
The last time I look at my D1 was 30 seconds ago when I made another call. Same forwarding number: 347-xxx-2000. It seems there are more questions we don't have the answer than we realize.
Sometimes I also wonder if it's a geographical thing... VoIP analyzes and routes calls via the most efficient and economical LATA. Do you live in a large city? Let's say... if you travel out of state, would your forwarding # be the same? Just wondering...
The forwarding number used by google voice is different each time. This only happens to this Droid Pro, not on a Droid 1. Is there a solution to this?
The forwarding number used by google voice is different each time. This only happens to this Droid Pro, not on a Droid 1. Is there a solution to this?
Do you use GVMyNumber? This will use your GoogleVoice # as the outgoing call #, but you have to put up with all the GoogleVoice BS (dialing #2, then a pin (if you have one) then the number you are calling. Fortunately, it then allows a stable # to put on your FaF plan.
No, yes, it is a great news. I am going to give it a try!
Thank you.
The forwarding number used by google voice is different each time. This only happens to this Droid Pro, not on a Droid 1. Is there a solution to this?
Do you use GVMyNumber? This will use your GoogleVoice # as the outgoing call #, but you have to put up with all the GoogleVoice BS (dialing #2, then a pin (if you have one) then the number you are calling. Fortunately, it then allows a stable # to put on your FaF plan.
I can hear my greeting message, and attempt to dial out ... then it hangs up itself. Don't know why but there is few places can go wrong (gv number and pin.). Will try it again tonight. Thanks for the help.
No, yes, it is a great news. I am going to give it a try!
Thank you.
Do you use GVMyNumber? This will use your GoogleVoice # as the outgoing call #, but you have to put up with all the GoogleVoice BS (dialing #2, then a pin (if you have one) then the number you are calling. Fortunately, it then allows a stable # to put on your FaF plan.